forty nine

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chapter forty nine.

HER FINGERS TWISTED THE KEY to her truck off and pulled it out of the ignition, parked in the back corner of the small lot that belonged to the little family owned diner

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HER FINGERS TWISTED THE KEY to her truck off and pulled it out of the ignition, parked in the back corner of the small lot that belonged to the little family owned diner.

Bobby had kept true to his word and had practically forced her to clock out early today. Truth be told, Hunter didn't know how she felt at the given situation considering that through one of the diner windows she could see the familiar older blonde woman. Her ex future mother in law, of sorts.

The shift she had just endured at the firehouse proved she was a master of avoiding situations, given that not once had she talked to Buck the rest of the shift. Save for a quick text she had sent him after she had gotten into her truck to leave the station. However, this wasn't something she felt like she could avoid forever.

A bell ringed overhead as she opened the door, eyes scanning as she looked around, taking count of the exits and the other customers inside— a bad habit. Another bad habit was the way the she had to sit facing the door. Mrs. Dunn had seemed to know this, her son was the same way after all. The older woman gently waved the Callahan over with a smile.

The sweatshirt under Hunter's neck felt too tight, too warm on her arms, to bulky around her chest with her step she took closer to the booth. She hardly ever had nerves, but recently? Hunter didn't know if they were truly sighs of her being nervous or something more.

"How are you doing, dear?"

Hunter chuckled, that was a tell tale sign for Penny to know that she wasn't alright, "working, a lot," she emphasized.

Penny nodded her head, waving the waitress over before turning back to Hunter, "I've just had you on my mind a lot, figured that if I kept waiting for you to come and visit, it would never happen."

Penny laughed softly at her own words, they both ordered their food before Hunter had the chance to respond, "are you all that surprised?" She jested.

With a shake of her head, penny responded, "I don't think anything surprises me anymore— although, I think you'd be the one to be surprised once you hear that the old idiot I call my ex husband has grown quite fond of buying me dinner."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now