twenty one

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chapter twenty one.

HUNTER STARED AT A PLAIN WHITE drop ceiling as Alexa sat next to her stitching her arm

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HUNTER STARED AT A PLAIN WHITE drop ceiling as Alexa sat next to her stitching her arm. The dark haired nurse tied each suture off, apologizing for any pain that Hunter had felt. The blonde shrugged it off, not feeling the pain as she sat drowning in her thoughts. The needle piercing the skin was nothing in comparison to the bullet ripping through tissue that Eddie had felt.

Alexa had struggled trying to get Hunter into the hospital room as the woman refused to leave the Diaz's side. She even took the threatened the doctors for any update to his health. It had taken Bobby Nash pulling for her now bloodied hospital ER waiting room chair for her to seek any help for herself.

Her wound was only a graze, the flesh burned but it wasn't antagonizing enough to take the hydrocodone or morphine that had been offered to her. She wouldn't let herself take the easy way out of the pain.

After finishing the row of stitches, Alexa had taken to using a wet wash cloth to wipe the dried blood off of her. Truth was, there was too much blood to simply wipe clean. She hadn't spoken many words since she laid down in the hospital bed, refusing to put on the white and blue gown. Buck had stayed by her side, hands shaking violently from his nerves while Eddie was in surgery.

The Buckley man had left, he had to do the hardest thing yet of the day. Tell Christopher. His breathing was ragged and his chest tightened as he knew he would have to sit down in front of the innocent boy and explain why his father would not be coming home tonight.

As soon as Alexa had finished, Hunter stood, careful of moving her arm too much as she pushed through the door and out of the room. The blonde didn't spare the 118 members sitting in the waiting room a look as she walked past and stepped outside. In her pocket, the casing of the bullet weighed heavy as she waited for Kyle Dobbs to pull around the front and pick her up.

She had already spent enough time sitting in the waiting room doing nothing but twiddling her thumbs and she was over it. Every waking moment that she spent doing nothing was another moment added to the tension on her body.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now