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LET YOU DOWNchapter ten

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chapter ten.

THE FOUR HAD FINALLY MADE it back to the Callahan childhood home

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THE FOUR HAD FINALLY MADE it back to the Callahan childhood home. Hunter staying at the cemetery till nearly dark. Miranda had taken Hunter to her old room in hopes of getting her a warm shower and nice, comfortable clothes.

Kyle sighed, untucking his black shirt from his pants as he fell onto the couch, "The audacity of Sydney showing up," he scoffed.

"I- I don't really know anything about her," Buck admitted.

Kyle rolled his eyes thinking about the woman, "She ran out the twin's junior year of high school without a trace. Claimed she couldn't keep being married to Earl because he loved the navy more than he loved her, but to be fair she wasn't very lovable. No one seen the bitch for 12 years then she shows up to Cody's funeral looking for money."

"I'm sorry about Cody," Buck solemnly told Kyle. Kyle didn't have the heart to respond, instead he just nodded his head and took a sip from his drink.

"So how did you guys meet?" asked Buck, looking up from his glass of water, "I'm mean I know the three of you had been friends since like, forever..."

Kyle nodded a small bittersweet smile on his face. "Cody and I met beginning of first grade, we had the same class. Hunter and Cody weren't allowed to be in the same class after what happened kindergarten year- which is a whole different story," he said with a chuckle before continuing, "One day, this fourth graded came over and threw a ball at Cody's face and next thing we knew this blonde little 7 year old came running over and shoved her elbow into this kids eye."

Buck held a small smile as he chuckled, that sounded like the Hunter he knew. Kyle continued speaking, "The four of us were in the office and the principal was right in Hunter's face yelling at her but she just kept swingin' her legs in the damn chair, not even phased. Cody was giving that fourth grader a stare down from hell," Kyle paused, taking a sip from his beer, "Then Earl came in, their dad, and he was so proud of her for standing up for her brother. I think he just about made that damn principal cry- cause imagine this 6'4 Navy Seal comin' in and cussin up a storm and threatin' to kill you."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now