twenty nine

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chapter twenty nine.

"GOD DAMN YOU'RE A BITCH," the raspy and tired voice of Hunter Callahan rang out through gritted teeth, "you know that right?"

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"GOD DAMN YOU'RE A BITCH," the raspy and tired voice of Hunter Callahan rang out through gritted teeth, "you know that right?"

Her words didn't earn a response, not as Solotov drove down the road white knuckling the steering wheel, "tell me where the ledger is."

"Let me do something first," she argued back. As she now sat in the passenger seat, a clean shirt on while she casted a glare to the man next to her, "give me my phone."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Don't ask questions you won't like the answer to," she retorted but sighed as she turned serious, "I want to say goodbye to Dobbs— I'll give you coordinates."

Solotov's jaw tightened as he heard the word coordinates. That meant it was not is some easily accessible location, in fact, knowing the Callahan, she went out of her way to hide it. He had to make a decision, it would be easier and quicker to give her the phone that sat firmly in his back pocket— so he did.

A cough escaped Hunter's lips as she quickly took her phone and called Kyle Dobbs. The line had barely rang before he picked up, "What the hell, Callahan?"

Rodriguez, she immediately recognized the voice. A small laugh left her mouth, "Figured this was the best way to plan a reunion," she joked, the people on the other line could her the strain in her voice as she talked. What she didn't know is that as she spoke, Athena had one of the fellow officers who had responded to the shots fired incident trace the call, of course, that would only get them so far though.

"You know, for someone who spent their whole life learning to be a ghost... you're kinda shit at it," a laugh escaped past Hunter's lips at Kyle's words but she quickly groaned as her side throbbed with pain. From his spot in Athena's living room, he knew that half of the LAPD was scanning the ground for Solotov's car.

"Where are you?" Athena's voice ordered over the phone.

"I think you know why I can't answer that," she sarcastically said, "Kyle," she called out to her childhood best friend, "I— I, just, thank you... for all those years. For over twenty years you've always had by back."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now