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~Rosalie's POV~

"She's your fucking blood singer Edward!" I yell at him, because Edward can't read her mind he is convinced that she is his mate. But if she was his mate then Edward wouldn't be trying to kill her now would he? "Do not tell Bella!"

"You can't tell me what to do" Edward scoffs acting like a child. I talked with Mallory Swan, Bella Swan's cousin and from what she has told me Bella isn't someone I want near me "I'll leave for a bit before coming back, Bella won't know about us"

"Since we are discussing the Swan girls" I cross my arms "you said we would talk about her after one year" looking around I narrow my eyes on them all "I'm bringing it up"

"He can never know!" Edward yells

"Oh?" I sarcastically ask "so it's okay for you to find your mate but he can't know his?"

"I don't have anger issues!" He yells, I scoff. This vampire may be one of the most dangerous to ever exist, but he does not have anger issues.

"He will kill us if he finds out that we have been keeping his mate from him!" I yell "I want to stay alive, do you?"

"Of course" he scoffs "but he is never going to find out, Mallory Swan deserves a normal human life"

"You all" I wave to everyone "can deal with him, but I won't"

~Mallory's POV~

I'm in my room when I get a call from my cousin Violet, she and her parents live in Massachusetts. Her mom is currently pregnant with their second child, her dad is a psychiatrist on the weekends and teaches psychology during the week. Her mom she was a cellist but now is a stay at home wife.

"Hey V, what's"

"My dad is fucking bastard" she snaps, oh fuck what is going on?

"What happened?" I ask

"I just got home" she says "and he's fucking this red head skank in my parents room with the door open!"

"So you have a whiskey bottle with you?" I ask

"Yeah" she responds

"Let's go to our pools and get shit faced while you tell me all about it" getting up I head downstairs and grab a bottle of whiskey before going to the indoor pool, yes both me and Violet live in these big houses with indoor pools. I was already in my bikini, when Violet called so yeah.

Right now I'm wearing a light blue bikini, I do a few poses before posting them on my Instagram and Facebook. Yeah, I post about a few times each week.

"Okay" pouring my first drink, I put her on speaker "now let's start from the beginning

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"Okay" pouring my first drink, I put her on speaker "now let's start from the beginning. Who is this skank?"

"Some college student of his" Violet tells me, I hear her light a cigarette. Between me and Violet, I smoke weed and she doesn't "she's this slimy red haired bitch" I hear her splash some water while I get in my pool. One good thing about my mutation is that I can't get drunk, which can also be terrible since I can't get drunk.

"How long do you think this has been going on?" I ask

"A while" she says "why would dad do this? Why is being such a fucking bastard?! I mean this slut is just being open, I mean does my dad like young girls or does he need a tight cunt to get off? Is my moms"

"V" I cut her off "I live you, but just know-I don't want to hear how tight your mom might be"

"I know, I feel disgusted even thinking about it" she says "but why is he fucking her?!"

"Who knows?" I enjoy being in the water "maybe there's something wrong with him, I mean if he has to go to another woman that isn't your mom then he has something wrong with him"

"Yeah" she sighs before asking "didn't you cousin Bella arrive? What is she like?"

"A self absorbed whore" I tell Violet "been here a day and she has sucked off five guys, two who happen to be teachers, one our principal and one who was our cousin Waylon. Then she also managed to be a little bitch and act like she hates the attention but in reality she loves it"

"Really?" She asked "Wait! Do you mean Pervert Waylon?"

"Same one"

"God" she scoffs "have you killed her yet?"

I laugh "no"

"Why not?" She complains "the world would be better off without skanks and bitches like this Bella and that red haired whore who spreads her legs for my dad or any other man"

"Bella is accident prone" I tell her "she's currently driving a truck that is essentially a death trap to her, it's only a matter of time before she dies"

"Ugh" she says "I've got to go, my dad just came in" hanging up, I lie down on the water to float in thinking about life. My phone soon goes off again and I look to see it's from Ronnie, seems she found out.

Answering it I hear yelling "HOW DARE MY FATHER SELL MY TRUCK!"

"I said the same thing to Jacob" I tell her on speaker "especially when Jacob claimed that he fixes the truck" the line is silent, he must not have said anything "you didn't know, did you?"

"JACOB YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!" I hear stomping before a door slams open.

"Ronnie?" I hear Jacob's voice "what"


"Veronica Ashlyn Black" I hear Billy Black sternly say "calm down this instant!"

"NO!" She screams "TONIGHT I AM STAYING WITH MAL BECAUSE I CANNOT LOOK AT EITHER OF YOU!" More stomping and I hear screams "is it cool if I"

"I'll call Leah" I tell her "she can buy the booze and I'll order pizza" hanging up, I call Leah. After a moment she answers "hey Leah, can you come over to my place right now? But also can you get a lot of booze, like bourbon or something else?"

"Why?" She asks

"Ronnie found out that her dad sold her truck to Bella" I explain "now she's on a rampage, also I need some girl time from the shit show that is Bella"

"I'll be there in an hour" she says

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