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~Mallory's POV~

"So Mal" Lauren asks as we are sitting at the table in the lunch room, it's been a month since everything and I'm about to announce something "you wanted to tell us something?"

"I'm throwing a party" everyone looks at me "after we graduate the party is going to be at my house"

"Really?" Eric asks

"We only graduate once" I say smiling, just then Bella and Edward arrive and the table gets silent as they arrive "Bella"

"Mallory" Bella states, everyone knows Bella is pregnant with Jacob's baby but is together with Edward.

"Okay" Mike says looking at Jessica "I've got it, my fellow students. We are the future if we jus believe" tossing the notepad to Jessica "there, you've got a speech"

"Yeah" Jessica lies "this will be my speech" crumpling up the paper "when I want diploma's thrown at my head"

"Your speech will be epic" I tell her

"Epic" she smiles "will change lives"

"I've decided to throw a party" Alice announces sitting down with Jasper.

"When?" I ask

"On the night of graduation" she smiles "will you guys come?"

"Can't" Tyler shrugs his shoulders "even though I am curious about your place, no one at this table throws a party like Mal"

"It's true" nodding my head "it's also on graduation night, if your coming bring swimsuits...I have a pool"

"And" Jessica adds "we don't know where you live" Alice pouts as no one will be going to her party.

"Maybe" Edward suggests "Alice can help you" looking at me, ever since dad became a vampire and I will too but not really because of my genetics-they have been trying to get us to change dad's diet and get us to join their coven. Also because of Jacob Black and his thoughts of me being psionic Carlisle has wanted to study me and do tests to see how my grandfather did what he did, also he wants me in his coven. Edward wants to know how I'm immortal so that he can have Bella be the same, Bella doesn't care as long as she gets her immortality. I also happened to let it spill that I know what she thinks at all times which pisses both Bella and Edward off.

"Sorry" shrugging my shoulders "she has nothing to do, I've got everything all down" waving my hand "you are all free to come, Rose and Emmett will be there. Like I said" looking around "bring your bathing suits"

"Do you have an indoor or outdoor pool?" Alice asks

"Yes" nodding my head "indoor, so are you coming or"

"We'll be there" Alice nods her head, though I can hear how she wanted to throw a graduation party all by herself. As in a dull party, she wanted it to be very elegant.

I then see her go into a vision, hearing how Victoria is visiting Edward is planning on having Bella be away. Hmm, we'll see about that.

~Time Skip~

"So" I'm with Ronnie, Angela and Jessica and Lauren as we get snacks for the party, also everyone knows I have alcohol at my parties "Ronnie, when is the wedding?" Lauren asks

"Are you pregnant?" Jessica asked

"Jessica!" Angela and Lauren exclaim

Ronnie laughs "no, I'm not pregnant. I'm just very in love with Gabe"

"You better be" commenting as I grab some chips "we have thick walls and somehow" looking at her "I can still hear you two go at it like rabbits" the girls laugh as Ronnie's face reddens.

"Would it be too weird" Angela asks "if I ask how the sex is?"

They look between me and Ronnie, I wave my hand "I walked in on the two of them going at it in the kitchen, not like I'll possibly be any more horrified or nauseous" but I'm already nauseous from something else.

They look at Ronnie "the sex is amazing, for someone her dad's age" aka he is now a vampire so, that you immortality for my needing ear plugs "he has more stamina then I would think, just last week I had a three hour orgasm"

"Three hours?" Lauren asks, I stay silent as I grab a lot of bean dip. Before Uncle Ben died he states in his and Aunt Vivienne's will that if they both died along with Violet then all their money would go to me, which in their death was over five hundred thousand dollars. So I'm going this with my own money, even though dad said he would but let him spend it on his wedding and stuff like that.

"Should we get some candy?" I ask them

"I don't know" Angela mutters "we kind of already have a lot of food, plus with the fifty pizzas"

"I'm going to get some candy" I grab many different kinds and throw it in the cart, then we head to the register. When we are there I pay for everything.

As we leave, I look at the girls "I'm going to the gas station to fill up" looking at Ronnie "see you at home"

"Okay" nodding her head as I go and drive to the gas station in Seattle, yes Seattle. In small towns everything is everyone's business so I need to do what I'm doing outside of town. As I fill up on gas, since I needed it I go inside and find what I'm looking for. When I get a pregnancy test, I see there's a bathroom in the back.

Going over to the cash register "pump on four" the guy nods his head and also rings up the test along with the water. Paying I go to the back and drink all the water before waiting, when I am ready I pee on the stick and clean myself up before pacing around the bathroom. Who could it be? I mean I know who, it was that guy in the bar-this is why I don't have one night stands, but it's my own fault. I never used my own condom.

When my timer goes off, I see the results and take some deep breathes when I see it's positive. Fuck.

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