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"What are you doing here?" It's been a week since seeing the Cullens and Bella, now their having a baseball game. Me and dad were invited but we declined, instead I'm working up the courage to ask dad if I could spend my senior year in LA with Violet, Uncle Ben and Aunt V. Aunt V found out that Uncle Ben had been cheating on her, now they're all moving to LA. Violet asked me if I could come with and I said sure but I needed to talk to my dad and talk with my aunt and uncle. But currently I'm at the door seeing Emily Young there.

"Hi Mal"

"Mallory" correcting, we used to be friends but now no "only my friends can call me Mal, now" crossing my arms "what the fuck does your slutty ass want?"

She has hurt in her eyes before she asks "is Leah here?"


"I want to talk to her about giving Sam some sort of custody" and I punch Emily in the face, she grabs her nose as blood comes down it.

"If Sam" making it clear "can't get it threw his thick skull that Leah doesn't want him in his life then how about this, Leah plans to get an abortion" her eyes widen, yeah Leah can't deal with Sam and she's willing to get an abortion just to not have Sam in her life. I asked dad about it and he said that Sam's lawyer could have her end up say it's murder and file murder charges but if Leah doesn't go to an OB/GYN or have some form of proof that she was pregnant then Sam can't do anything.

"She" Emily shakes her head "I want to speak to my cousin, now!"

"No" shaking my head, I hear Leah and Ronnie in the tree lines listening "Leah doesn't want to see either you or Sam, what don't you or Sam understand about that? Now, either have a baby yourself you cunt or tell that pussy of a wolf that Leah is willing to do something very extreme just so that you and Sam will be out of her life" slamming the door in her face, literally since I hear a crunch. She apparently was in the doorway, I listen carefully to her mind and how she needs to get Sam to drop this.

I walk towards the backyard to see Ronnie and Leah come over in shorts and crop tops "did you tell Emily what I'll do if Sam won't stop?" Leah asks, I nod my head. Leah has only begun to show her baby bump "I don't want to do this, but I don't want Sam in my life anymore nor do I want Emily"

"You don't have to explain to us" Ronnie tells her "besides Mr. Swan told us what would happen if you go through with this"

"But you've never actually gone to a doctor" I say "so there won't be any proof, if they make you and it's after you had the abortion-the doctor will think that with your blood pressure and everything that you had a miscarriage"

"Did you tell your dad about wanting to go to school in LA?" Ronnie asked

"He's actually in his office now so" they nod their heads, walking inside I go to dad's office knocking on the door. But first I grab the pamphlet I found for Hollywood Arts, it's this school for talented students who are interested in acting, singing, film-stuff like that. Well before what happened with my maternal family, I applied here months ago and only now and getting a reply.

"Come in" walking inside, I see dad working on a case "hey my little mutant, what's up?"

"You know how Aunt V found out about Uncle Ben cheating on her?" I ask walking over, he nods his head "Violet asked if I could go to LA with her and them, with everything going on dad-remember the school I applied to? Months back? Hollywood Arts?"

"Yeah" nodding his head, I hand him the letter and pamphlet. He takes them and reads them over "you've been accepted" looking at me taking off his glasses "do you want to go here? This was months ago, many things have changed"

"I'm sure" nodding my head "if I go, I'll be with Aunt V, Uncle Ben-people we know"

"You also will be with your cousin who has a drug problem"

"People would say I have a drug problem" dad chuckles "dad, I want to do this. But if you don't want me to then I won't"

Dad is silent, looking at me before saying "I want you to be happy, plus when we looked at this school they proved to be quite the school for if you want to go to some sort of film school or whatever-you will be more accomplished there then here in Forks High"

"So yes?" Dad stands up and comes over pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you my little mutant, but you need to do what will help you succeed" I hug dad back "I'll call your Uncle Ben and inform him of this development and ask if you could stay with them"

"Thank dad"

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