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"Do your like Jean Grey?" Jared asked "an immortal Jean Grey who can't ever get drunk?"

"Essentially" nodding my head, it took ten minutes of answering questions and now the Cullens are coming by. Only Carlisle and Edward, like I predicted. Leah and Ronnie came back, we handed them some clothes and now we are waiting in the living room for the Cullens.

"You should have told us about this Gabe" Billy says to dad.

"It wasn't my secret to tell" Dad says pouring me another drink "it was Ruby's and Mal's secret, if she didn't want to tell you then she didn't have to. How would you feel if I demanded you tell me your secrets" it's silent "exactly, so get off that high horse of yours"

"He's right dad" Ronnie agrees "stop being selfish, it was and still is Mal's secret. If she wants to tell someone then she can but don't act like you were entitled in knowing" the doorbell rings then.

"I'll get it" getting up, I make sure their minds are blocked since I hear Edward's stupid voice. When I open the door, I see Edward there with Carlisle Cullen "hello, come in"

"Hello Mallory" Carlisle says "what has you calling us over?"

"I didn't call you over, they did" they look over to see the wolves, we go into the living room and I sit next to dad.

"Hello Carlisle" Billy says "we would like to talk about the treaty" I have blocked their minds about me and what I am, not about anything else.

Carlisle and Edward share a look before Edward looks to me and dad "you know?"

"What?" Carlisle asks looking at me and dad before the wolves.

"We wish" Harry says "to have this Swan household be neutral territory, but also Leah and Veronica will protect them. Everything else stays the same"

"Alright" Carlisle nods his head "I'll let my family know"

"Oh" I also add, they look at me "don't let Bella know"

"What" Edward asks

"A little birdie is telling me how my cousin is your blood singer" he stiffens "she's not your mate, so stop treating her like one!"

"You" he growls "don't know anything"

"Edward" Carlisle puts a hand on his shoulder "not now"

"Oh really?" I ask "whenever your near Bella how come you have a much stronger urge to kill her?" The room is silent "stop whatever it is with Bella right now, she will figure it out"

"My daughter is right" dad adds sipping his scotch "Bella has never been one to give things up, much like that whore of a mother she has"

"Do not let Bella know" I warn

"Thank you for the warning" Carlisle says "we'll be on our way" looking at Leah "congratulations on the baby" Ronnie and I face palm as the other elders and two wolves look at Leah.

"They wanted it to be a secret" Edward says to him

"Okay" I stand "I'll show you out" we go to the door "also" before they leave "I'll be seeing Rose later today, so"

"Okay" Carlisle nods his head "as you know, your more then welcome over to our home" I nod my head, closing the door as they leave.

Just then I hear "you can't keep me from this baby Leah!" I walk into the room to see Ronnie holding Sam back from Leah as she sits calmly in an armchair "I'm the father!"

"And?" Leah asks "you have Emily, if you want a baby have one with her"

"I think" dad stands "it's best if everyone leaves"

"Yes" Harry agrees "till next time" I open the door and watch as Sam storms out after Leah, then Ronnie follows while I see Jared stay back.

"How much" he asks me "do you want to bet that Leah will kill Emily or Sam before letting them anywhere near her baby?" The elders leave, dad helps Billy out.

"No brainer" I tell him "if it's up to Leah, she will not have Sam in the baby's life"

"He feels bad" he tells me "about how he treated Leah"

"Just because you tell me that doesn't mean anything to me" we hear howls, I hear their angry voices "you might want to save your alpha from an angry Ronnie"

He nod his head "where did"

"Trees over there" I point, he soon leaves and I go to dad and sit next to him "does this mean I have to go back to school?" Dad gives me a look "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be in the same school as Bella"

"I know" dad pulls me into a hug "I know"

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