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~Felix's POV~

I will kill this human. The man who impregnated my mate is standing before us, I can hear the baby's fast heartbeat. When I saw her, my breath caught as I saw my beautiful mate sitting by herself. When I sat next to her, I didn't expect to hear another heartbeat come form her "Um, Mallory-there is something I need to tell you" he says "in private"

"It's okay if you say it here" Mallory says aloud, she has her arms crossed.

"Alright" he sits down "Um, do you remember when we had sex?" He just said the two had sex, he is dumb "right, brother he had this huge box of condoms he bought two months ago. Well I borrowed some condoms from him"

"Where are you going with this?" Mallory asked

"Well" his heart starts to beat more faster "my niece-Danielle, she's three years old. She got my mom's earring and poked a bunch of holes in the condoms I was using"

"And you think I'm pregnant" is she going to tell him.

"Well, I got four other women pregnant, one who is having triplets and the another twins" my mate coughs on her drink "I know, I'm a player and...are you pregnant? Did I get you pregnant?"

"How did you find me?" She asks instead

"I have connections-are you pregnant?"

"No" isn't face is stoic as the man before us sighs with relief, why did she lie?

"Oh thank god!" He exclaims "no offense, just...I'm already expecting seven babies and if there was one more" making a stressed out face as he stands "oh hey, you" he points to my mate "aren't horny right? Cause I act"

"No" my mate shakes her head giving him a look "one time thing dude" he nods his head and leaves. When he is far enough away she asks "should I have told him?"

"He got four other women pregnant" also, I'm her mate and I will raise the child as my own because Mallory is my mate and I see her and any child she has as mine "he doesn't seem like the responsible type"

"But he did find me"

"He has seven other children" reminding her "I'm just saying, I wouldn't tell him" my mate is silent, what is she thinking?

"I need to go" Mallory stands and I stand with her "need to head home" she yawns.

"Let me" I offer "drive you home"

"I live about two hours away, if your willing to get a taxi"

"I am" cutting her off "let me drive you home" she nods her head and she throws away the garbage before grabbing her purse and we go to her truck. I take her keys as she tells me her address, but I already know it from stalking her on her Facebook and Instagram pages.

I have the Airconditioning be warm since I notice her shiver, as I drive she soon falls asleep. When we get to her home, I park her truck and turn off the engine before getting out and pick her up carefully. She holds onto me as we go to her door, I smell the terrible scent of wet dog here along with the scent of another man. Also I hear two people's hearts here, so I ring the doorbell.

After a minute, he door opens to another vampire. So I hold my mate closer to me "who are you?" The man demands looking at me and my mate "give me my daughter"

"Your Gabriel Swan" hr narrows his eyes on me "my name is Felix, Felix Volturi"

"The executioner" nodding his head "why do you have my daughter?"

"She's my mate" he is stoic "I'm here to return her home" placing her in his arms, he takes Mallory but one hand grips my shirt. The man looks at the fist that grips my shirt.

"Come inside Felix" he sighs "she has a death grip on your shirt" I walk inside as he closes the door handing Mallory back to me "her room is up the stairs, third door on the right" nodding my head I walk upstairs passing a female shifter who is wearing an oversized shirt on the stairs "it's okay, Ronnie" this Ronnie just stares at me as I take Mallory to her room and close the door. As I look around I see a stripper pole, is my mate a stripper?

I lowly growl at the thought of multiple men having seen what only I am supposed to see. Taking my shoes off I get into bed with my mate holding her, I also see a small dog who was sleeping at the edge get up and walk over towards my mate and sleeps behind her butt. When I pull my mate closer, the dog comes over closer. But instead of going to bed the dog looks at me as if saying "what are you going to do about it?"

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