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"Okay" my dad tells me and Felix as we are in the at home exam room that we have "would you two like to know the sex of your baby?" I look at Felix who nods his head and I look to dad nodding my head. For the last six months it has been peaceful, I've been helping Ronnie plan her wedding to my dad. Their actually getting married in a week so Ronnie is full on panic mode. Her father found out and he's really sad about not being invited to her big day, her sisters Rebecca and Rachel kept trying to say Ronnie should put her hatred for him on hold—only Rachel knowing the truth of why Ronnie hates Billy, she thinks Ronnie should sit down with Billy and talk but Ronnie won't do that. I mean Uncle Charles has been trying to get my dad to get Ronnie to talk to Billy about it "it looks like I'm going to have a grand...son"

He smiles to us and I smile brightly "a boy?" He nods his head, I look at Felix bringing him down for a kiss.

"A son" Felix pulls back, he goes down to my belly and kisses it "I know your not biologically mine, just know I love you"

Dad cleans the ultrasound wand smiling "Congratulations and you might want to do your thing now Felix" do what?

I watch as Felix gets down on one knee "Mallory, I have loved you for years. Since the day you were conceived I have loved you" he pulls out a beautiful diamond ring.

"I would go into some sort of long speech but I'm going to make this short—I can't imagine you not being in my life, will you marry me?" He asks

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"I would go into some sort of long speech but I'm going to make this short—I can't imagine you not being in my life, will you marry me?" He asks

I nod my head "Yes, yes" he slips the ring on my finger, standing up he leans down and kisses me. I can't believe it! I'm getting married!

"Finally!" Dad exclaims "you should have asked her the day you met" Felix grumbles something under his breath.

~Wedding Reception~

Felix and I are sitting down, I'm talking with some of the guests here that will show up tomorrow for the wedding. Ronnie is with dad smiling but she starts to frown when she sees someone, I look over to see Billy here with Jacob "I thought" Felix asks me "they weren't invited"

"They weren't invited" confirming as I stand up "maybe Rebecca and Rachel invited them" I see them confused as well "or maybe not" I go over to them "hey"

"Hey" Rebecca smiles "congratulations"

"Thanks" looking over "no offense for cutting the chat but what is Jacob and your dad doing here? I thought they weren't invited"

"We thought the same thing" Rebecca confirms "I mean sure I'm angry with dad but I invited him to my wedding" because were close enough we listen to what Ronnie says.

"What are you doing here?" Ronnie demands from them

"Ronnie" Jacob asks "please, don't"

"I made it clear" she growled at them "your priorities have been made clear, both of yours"

"Veronica" Billy is firm "I am your father and I demand to be at your wedding"

She shakes her head "You know what, fine. But don't expect me to acknowledge you or even have you walk me down the aisle...not like you can" she leaves then. Billy sighs disappointed, I decide to use my abilities and listen in and he really is upset about this but I also hear Ronnie and she is angry for a lot of reasons.

"That was low" Rebecca whispers "even for her, what happened? It can't be just about him selling her truck"

"It's more like" Rachel says "dad keeps taking Jake's side with Bella" Rebecca rolls her eyes "he also says Ronnie has a responsibility to La Push and can't leave" technically it's true, with her being a wolf shifter Billy made it clear that she can't do whatever she wants. That she can't have a vampire imprint as well, that it's a disgrace. That the elders will grant her a new imprint if she rejects my dad.

"What?" She demands "Ronnie is a grown woman"

"I want going to say anything" they look at me "until I knew for certain but Ronnie and dad, their moving after their honeymoon"

"What?" Rachel asks "where?"

"Seattle, Ronnie is going to go to school but after their thinking about moving to New York" someplace upstate or even England. Leah and Xander are moving to England in a few days with Harley. No one but myself, Felix, dad, Ronnie, Seth and Sue Clearwater know.

"Mallory" we look over to see Jake here "can you talk to Ronnie, tell her she's being unfair to my dad" we see dad and Uncle Charlie talking to Billy who shakes his head. Looking around, I see Felix is talking with Xander and Leah. I smile seeing him hold Harley in his arms, she giggled as Felix makes faces. I hear the La Push wolves—the reception is in the backyard so they hear what is going on and Sam is enraged at how Felix is holding Harley. Well screw him, he wants a kid he can have one with Emily. They are engaged.

"I can't" shaking my head "you know Ronnie, once her mind is set it is set"

"I don't understand" he sighs "maybe it she spent a day with Bella"

"Oh my god!" Rebecca hits Jacob over the head "this—Ronnie hates Bella, don't even bring it up. How are you even here?"

"Charlie" he points "he has dad be his plus one while I'm here with Sue Clearwater" of course. Looking at me "how far are you?"

"About seven months" I say, Bella is about to give birth any day now. She's giving the baby to Charlie since she'll be turned soon, she even made it clear in a will that if she died he would get the child. First smart thing she's made.

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