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It's nighttime as I sit at the pier of the Seattle Waterfront, even though there has been killings there are a lot of people out tonight. Not afraid of crowded spaces since they know that what's been happening has been happening in alleys.

As I sit by myself at one of the tables, eating some dinner of carnival food I look at my phone and look at the schools I was accepted to. I got into he University of Washington, the University of California, NYU and one that I took a real long shot at the London Film School. I know Ronnie is going to the University of Washington, she and dad have decided to stay in the area until she graduates and they'll think about moving.

"Mind if I sit down?" Looking up, my breathe catches me as I see a tall possibly seven foot cold one vampire with pale skin and dark hair motion to sit at one of the seats at the table.

"Go ahead" waving, I can't let him know that I know. It was that hard, with my enhanced hearing I can't hear his heart and I can see the bird of red behind the brown contacts. As he sits down, we stare at one another before I ask "are we expecting a girlfriend to arrive or"

"I'm single" I snort that that, he tilts his head curiosity filling him "what?"

"A hot guy like you is single?" Setting my phone down, I shake my head "can't be possible"

He smirks "you find me hot?" I'm silent as I stare at him "what about you? Are you waiting for a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"Single" holding my hand out "Mallory" He takes my hand and kisses it, why does he look so familiar? Shaking my head "I'm sorry, but have we met before..."

"Felix" he holds my hand "and I don't know, have we?"

I think about it before remembering "yes" waving to him "in Italy, um" snapping my fingers "Volterra" nodding my head "yes, I was eight I think-you were sitting at the fountain outside of the clock tower"

He smiles nodding his head "ah yes, I remember. You were strolling the streets looking for...monsters?" I blush brightly nodding my head "nice to see you again"

"Yes" crossing my arms leaning back in the chair "what is it you do now?"

"Travel for business" he smiles "and you? It's been what? Ten years? What is it you do?"

"Currently I am waiting to graduate" I tell him "after that I'm going to be an assistant for my dad at his law firm" Yeah, me and Ronnie are going to help dad this summer.

"Why did you just make a face" he asks "do you not want to work at the law firm?"

"No" shaking my head "I mean yes, I mean" trying to come up with the right words "I want to work at the law firm but my best friend is also going to be working there"

"And what? You don't like her?"

"I like her, it's do I put this?" Thinking "she and my dad are getting married" he has a look of understanding "my forty year old dad is marrying my eighteen year old best friend"

"Ah yes" nodding his head "I can see why that would be...why you would feel the way you do" we are silent before he asked "why did you look sad? Before I sat down?"

"I found some things out today" being vague "something very big, I...what I found out is life changing"

We are silent as I grab my soda and drink it "if you don't mind me asking, what did you find out?" I stay silent "sometimes the best thing to get off your chest, is to someone you don't know"

Maybe he's right "I found out" biting my lip "I found out that I'm pregnant" he is silent, I can hear how he is upset that another man touched me. Why would he be upset? "A month ago" sitting up I grab a curly fry and eat it "I wanted to let lose since...a lot of things had happened to me this year and I needed a break. So I went to a bar"

"Your eighteen" he frowns

"Fake ID" eating another fry "but yeah, I went to a bar and...the condom broke. I was in medication so it interfered with my birth control-I did everything to not let this happen" tears are in my eyes "but it seems like god hates me" some tears come down my face, I'm not ready to be a mom but I can't bring myself to think about getting an abortion.

Felix moved to sit next to me, he wipes the tears that fell "I'm sure that's not true" finally saying "not like your planning on running away...your not right?"

"No" shaking my head "I'm just...with everything that is happening right now, it's very stressful and-oh my god" I leans back and try to hide.

"What?" He frowns looking down

"Hi" I see the guy I slept with is before us "we had sex in a bathroom stall a month ago" I sit up

"Oh yeah" I say with a nervous smile and laugh "oh yeah..."

"Chase" he fills in the name "yeah, we never exchanged names..."

"Mallory" I introduce, we are silent "Um, this is Felix" introducing, oh god.

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