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"This party is amazing!" Lauren yells, I smile nodding my head as I eat another slice of pizza. Everyone from our class is here having fun, dad is upstairs watching over Harley to make sure no one gets her while Ronnie is down here having fun. Dad said that he wants Ronnie to have a high school graduation experience, it took much convincing since Ronnie would rather be celebrating with him alone-barf in my mouth.

"It is!" I yell, I then hear something "I'll be back" walking to the entrance I see Ronnie glare at Jacob, Embry and Quil "what's going on?"

"They crashed the party" Ronnie says "well Jacob did, Embry and Quil are more than welcome to stay"

Jacob looks at his sister sadly "Ron"

"Veronica" she snaps "who invited you Jacob? Because it sure as fuck wasn't me"

"Is that an engagement ring?" Quil asks changing the subject.

"Yes, Gabe proposed to me a month ago" Ronnie looks at Jacob "who invited you"

"Bella did" Ronnie and I groan, this isn't her party. She shouldn't have done that "does dad know?"

"No and I'm not telling him" Ronnie firmly stated "hmm, there's your whore now" we see Bella come in with Edward and the other Cullens. I'm pissed at them because of what they tried to do.

I see Edward's eyes widen before looking to the other Cullens, he tells them "Mallory knows what we tried to do" just then a cold hand wraps around my midsection, looking over my shoulder I see Felix-a pissed off Felix at that as he stares at the Cullens and wolves. Just then Alice goes into a vision and I see what she's seeing using my own vision.

A red blouse is being passed around a bunch of newborn vampires, Riley Biers smiles at Victoria as he kisses the side of her neck. She is stoic as she lies to Riley and makes him believe what he wants to see, I then see two newborns-one frightened while another newborn is creating a ball of snow in her hand. I then see the army coming to Forks in a few days time.

Getting out of the vision, I look to Ronnie and Felix and mentally say the newborn army is going to be here in a few days keeping a shield around their minds as we talk the Cullens want us there to help save their asses but there's a newborn I want to save.

A newborn? Felix asks are you sure? I mean

I want to save this newborn firmly stating

"You need to come with" Edward says to us "this is something that requires"

"No" Ronnie crossed her arms,
Edward looks shocked that someone would say no to him "you all can deal with what is coming, as far as I'm concerned I will protect my pack in the safety of our home"

"Ronnie" Jacob growls "if this concerns Bella"

"Mallory saw Alice's vision" they look at me "they are here for Bella, besides shouldn't you Cullen's and the Uley pack be enough to destroy those fuckers?" It's silent "if you excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my fun"

"Felix and I will be in my room" taking his hand, we go upstairs and head to my room. Once in my room, I close and lock the door "care for a little show?"

"A show?" He asks "what kind of show?" Leading him to my bed, I have him sit down as I get out of my shorts and go to my speakers playing my own music. Going to the stripper pole, I decide to give Felix a little show.

Just as my back is to the pole and I slide down, my legs spread. Felix runs to me and lift me up, kissing me that my back presses deeper to the pole. Felix rips my bathing suit off and I look at it "I liked that"

"I'll get you another one" picking me up, he brings me to the bed.

~Time Skip~

"Wow" Felix removed himself from me and lays next to me as I breathe heavily "who knew having sex with a vampire would be amazing" Felix chuckles bringing me close, running his hands over my body. We hear pawing at the door "that's Hallie"

"She can sleep out in the hallway" Felix growls

"Planning on ravishing me all night long?" I ask

"Mhmm" he lane down to kiss me just as there's a knock at the door.

Mallory! I hear Ronnie's voice you need to get up, Jacob promised our packs help in the whole vampire army

"What?!" Pulling away from Felix and sit up to glare at the door "that fucking asshole did what?"

"Now the elders want us there along with Carlisle to see if it's true since Jacob"

"I don't know about you Ronnie but I'm making sure that Jacob will be a eunuch by the end of today"

"I completely agree with you" Ronnie agrees "now, kiss your mate and meet me downstairs"

"What?" Felix asks

"Do you remember that wolf who looked at Bella all lovey dovey?" I ask, he nods his head "just told the Cullens that Ronnie and I would help take care of the newborn army"

"Your pregnant" he growls

"They don't know" I say "I better go"

"I'm coming with" I look at him as I put on the same shorts from last night "if you think I'm letting you go into danger, either you or our baby you have another thing coming"

I smile "our baby?" Putting on a white top

"Our baby" he confirms pulling me into a kiss.

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