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I'm next to Rose standing as I drink some bourbon, dad is wearing some pajama pants and Ronnie is wearing his shirt as we stand here in the Cullens household. I see Bella is still human and Edward looks constipated.

"You all know, how much I am asking for this" Bella looks around the end of her first trimester since from what Ronnie said Jacob impregnated her around three months ago "and it wouldn't seem fair if you didn't get vote"

"Bella you don't" Edward interrupts

"Shut up" she grits through her teeth "Alice?"

"I already consider you a sister" Alice smiles going over and hugs Bella

"Hello" Jasper says "again" using my powers, he looks more calm and I go over towards him drinking my bourbon "congratulations on the child" I hear how Bella isn't happy about it "it would be nice not to have to kill your all the time, so yes" he looks down at me and whispers "I'm sorry about Harry and your family" I finish my bourbon and pull out another bottle of bourbon "and your drinking too much"

"No I'm not" I whisper back, staring at my nails I soon hear my name.

"Hmm?" Looking up I see Bella look at me expectantly "what?"

"I want your vote" she asks "to become"

"Did our last phone call mean nothing?" I ask, taking a step to her not caring about anything "you better thank my dad cause you better" the room starts to shake "be lucky that I'm not taking you to Victoria and watching as she kills you!" Tears come down her face "News flash Bella! Not everyone in the world cares about you! I do not care about you! Dad doesn't care about you! The only people you should ask about becoming immortal are the Cullens!"

The room is silent "my daughter" dad's eyes which are red look at Bella in the eyes "is correct, I do not care about your life and just because I'm a vampire and Mallory will be one also doesn't mean that we care about you"

I go over to dad and Ronnie, I jump into dads back and wrap my arms around his neck "wait!" Carlisle says "if you wish, there is another way to feed and"

"No" dad stated "I have talked to the elders and I am not drinking from animals, now" looking around "I am going back home with my daughter and fiancée" I go to sleep now.

~Ronnie's POV~

I sit down on the bed I share I with Gabriel, the day of Harry's funeral Gabriel proposed saying that life was too young. We just got back home from seeing the Cullens, Gabriel is putting Mal in her room since she passed out.

When my phone rings, I see it's from my Sam. Ugh! What does he want? Taking it I answer it "what?"

"Hello Ro"

"Veronica" correcting him "now what do you want Sam?"

"I know Leah is her...honeymoon" he sneers honeymoon "I want to see my daughter" since Leah and Xander left, Harley has been here being watched by Gabriel, Mallory and I. Also when they come back, Xander and Leah are moving out and to a new place.

"Leah and Xander's daughter isn't here" lying through my teeth "Leah knew you'd demand to see Harley so she is having Sabrina watch over her, who by the way is in Seattle right now"

"I want my daughter!" He yells "Leah can't do this!"

"She can and she is" I say sweetly "now unless if this is about wolf business or tribal business or vampire business, don't ask me for anything" hanging up, I see Gabriel in the doorway.

"Sam?" He asks closing the door and locking it, I nod my head "wants Harley?" I nod my head "I have something for you"

"You didn't need to get me anything" waving my hand

"But how else" he pulls out a beautiful three part engagement ring "will everyone see that you are a taken woman"

"But how else" he pulls out a beautiful three part engagement ring "will everyone see that you are a taken woman"

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"Gabe" placing a hand over my mouth, looking at him "it's beautiful"

"So you like it?" He asks putting the ring on, nodding my head tears are in my eyes "are you going to tell your father?"

I stay silent "no, he is dead to me"

He frowns at me "Ronnie, he's your dad. Don't"

"He picks Jacob over and over again" cutting Gabe off, taking his cold face in my warm hands "Babe, it's a reason why Rachel and Rebecca refuse to come home. He chooses Jacob over again and again...then when Bella came back, he took Jacob's side over and over again. He doesn't deserve to know"

"Your certain?" He asks, I nod my head "alright, we won't tell him" shaking his head "I hope Mallory won't lose it, she's been through so much"

"Yeah" completely understanding how he's feeling, I'm worried about Mallory too "maybe I could set her up on a date"

"Normally I'd say no" Gabe thinks this over "but Mallory needs some good, I'll get her some cocaine too. She loves that stuff"

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