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"We need to take her to a doctor" dad looks at the thermometer "her temperature is threw the roof" I nod my head and shake Ronnie. Leah woke up some time ago and we told her how Ronnie is running an abnormally high fever.

"I'll call her dad" Leah calls Billy, after some time I hear him "Billy? It's Leah Clearwater, somethings wrong with Ronnie" Billy asks what's wrong as I wake up Ronnie "she's running a very high fever"

"Ronnie" she grumbled "we're going to take you to the doctors"

"What?" She opens her eyes and gets up "why? I feel fine"

"Ronnie" dad says "your running an abnormally high fever, I'm going to call your dad"

"I DO NOT WANT TO SEE HIM!" She growls, I take a step back when her eyes glow blue.

"Billy says not to take her to the doctor but to take her outside to the backyard" Leah says to me, I nod my head and help Ronnie outside once outside Ronnie takes off her clothes before turning into this large purple wolf with purple eyes.

"Never mind" Leah says "Ronnie is alright, she just has the flu

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"Never mind" Leah says "Ronnie is alright, she just has the flu. She just vomited, bye Billy" she hangs up "what the"

Ronnie the wolf snaps her head to me it's me, Mallory. Stay calm, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why you shifted into a wolf

I'm a wolf she breathes, I block her mind from any other mind not wanting anyone aka Edward Cullen to hear since I don't trust him and something tells me to block her mind.

"What happened?" Dad asked "Leah?"

"Our legends tell us that we are descended from wolves" she says "I didn't think they were true"

Mallory? Ronnie asks scared what do I do?

You were freaking out when you became this wolf I tell her think of calming thoughts

And if that doesn't work?

Think of being human I say, she does that and soon she's a human. A naked human, she grabs the clothes she got rid and of put them on.

"How did I hear you in my head?" Ronnie asked

"What?" Leah asked

"Sweetie" I look at dad "why don't you tell your friends the truth, I'll be inside if anyone needs me"

"Mal?" Leah asks "what does she mean"

Hi Leah jumps back I am kind of a telepath

"Woah" she sits down "I need a drink"

"Let's talk about this sober" I suggest "then we can get into the whole me being kind of like Jean Grey" looking between the girls "okay?"

"Okay" Ronnie nods her head "Leah?"

"Yeah" she's still in shock "okay" she gets up and we head inside to the kitchen, once there I have pizza for them out.

"Where should I start?" They sit across from me but I see Leah is distancing herself from Ronnie.

"How about the beginning?" Ronnie suggests

"Alright" nodding my head "Um, I guess I should explain my grandfather from my mother side and how he died" grabbing a spinach pizza "so, my grandfather was a scientist who wanted to see if he could create super humans. Thinking my mom was expendable and not my uncle, he experimented on my mom" they make faces at that "my mom and Uncle Ben tell me he was an asshole—well he succeeded in turning my mom into a mutant. She could do what I did, but according to my dad I'm more powerful"

"Do you were born this way?" Leah asks "are you like Jean Grey?"

"Kind of, but unlike her I am immune to toxins and I'm kind of immortal" they look confused "my dad, one of his majors was biochemistry—he saw a year ago that like my mother our DNA changed so that we stopped aging. We don't know how because my grandfather never wrote down what chemicals he used but whatever they were, it changed us so that we can live forever essentially"

We are silent before Ronnie smirks "this explains how you are never drunk" I let out a choked laugh, nodding my head.

"But what about you" Leah looks at Ronnie "how are you a wolf?"

"Your legends?" I ask, one time Ronnie and Leah invited me to hear a legend and even though no one liked it they let me listen to one of the stories "I remember your father saying how you turn into a wolf if your near the paled ones"

"But that's only if vampires exist" Leah scoffs "and they don't" I whistle "Mal? Do you know something?"

"The Cullens" I say "their kind of the vampires from your legends" they stare at me.

"You need to talk to your dad" Leah stands

"Oh no" Ronnie and I stand "that's a bad idea" Ronnie.

"He's an elder" Leah says "he could help you and"

"So?" Ronnie scoffs "if he wanted to help he should have told me about this when I was little, that I might shift into a large purple wolf"

"Also have their been any cases of female wolf shifters in your legends?" I ask

"No" both saying

"They will keep a close eye on you Ronnie and maybe experiment" I say "my dad he warned me of what would happen if the wrong people found out about me"

"She's right" Ronnie agrees "it's too dangerous" dad comes in then and when his and Ronnie's eyes lock she stiffens.

"How's it going in here?" Dad asked looking at us girls "no one is screaming so I'm guessing this is going well?"

"Yeah" Ronnie nods her head "maybe we can talk to your dad, Leah?" We look at Leah "I can't trust my dad but we can trust yours"

"Could he keep the secret?" I ask

"Possibly" agreeing "I'll call him to ask if he's home and if he is we can all go down there" wow, this is a very interesting day.

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