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"I love you too dad" hanging up the phone, I go over to Constance's place and knock or more like bang on the door. When it opens, Constance stands there and offers a warm smile "we need to talk" I barge into her home, I need answers and I needed them before I was shot.

"You know" Constance speaks "it's rude to just enter one's home without an invitation"

"You and your daughter Adelaide seem to be fine doing just that" her face hardens and I look confused looking around "where's Adelaide?"

"Dead" I snap my head to her looking shocked, how? Uncle Ben never said "you didn't know"

"I'm sorry" I tell Constance "truly, but I want to know about the house my family is living in" she is silent, so there's only one way to get it done. Please she puts a hand to her heart jumping a bit I know you were one of the owners, probably the last living owner

"You" she waves to me "I just" she laughs then "follow me my dear, it seems we have a lot to discuss" we go to her kitchen and I see that woman Billie Dean here, she offers me a cigarette and I take it. Conjuring flame we both light out cigarette's "I'm glad to see you are alive from the gunshot wound"

"Tell me about the house" I demand "do ghosts truly live there?"

"Yes" Billie looks at me "your like me, you can see into the other world" I stay silent "but you are capable of so much more"

"Tell me about the rules of the house" I ask

"You need to die on the property of the house in order to be trapped" Billie explains to me "it isn't a simple case of having your body be there, no" shaking her head "what needs to happen is to die on the property, but also to have a reason to stay. Take Elizabeth Short, her body isn't on the property but she died there. She stays because people there will forever remember her and she doesn't wish to leave that, she loves the fame"

"Ms. Dean"

"Call me Billie" she smiles to me "what is your question?"

"How do we have these powers?" I ask, she is silent "I talked to my mother and she"

"I" she cuts me off "was blessed with these abilities by a higher order, if yours was the same then someone out there gave you these gifts"

"I need to go" grabbing my bag, I go home. Fuck, this shit just got very complicated. I mean I live in a house filled with ghosts, when I get here I see Uncle Ben in his study with Aunt V and Violet. What is going on? "Aunt V?"

"Oh Mallory" she comes over and hugs me "I'm so sorry"

"What?" I ask

"My beautiful niece" she tells me "you died" I listen carefully "you died" what mom said, how much did I miss? I mean I was asleep for a long time, dad called and he was having me brought back to Forks this weekend and.

"I died and came back"

"Like a vampire" I laugh at what Violet said, I start to cry opening my eyes my family gasps as lights around us shatter.

"I always knew my sister was special" Uncle Ben laughs "here" he hands me my keys "all of your shit is in the car, I even have enough money for you to leave and never come back"

"I'll kiss you" crying as I look at them "I love you all so much"

"We love you too" Aunt V hugs me, I hug them back. When the baby upstairs cries, I leave the house and go to my truck and turn it on before driving away. I then realize, Hallie. Turning off the truck, I run back and see Uncle Ben hanged and the baby gone. Pulling out my phone I call 911.

"911" I hear the operator "what seems to"

"My uncle is dead" I cry, oh god. Using my powers I keep the ghosts away from me "he...he hung himself"

"Ma'am what is your address?" She asks and I tell her, looking around I find Hallie and see her barking at the body.

Hanging up the phone, I pull Hallie to me. When there is a knock at the door I open it to the police and they come in. I'm asked some questions as I hold Hallie "Ms. Swan" looking at the officer "we saw baby furniture, was there a baby here or"

"My aunt" I sniffle "before she died gave birth to twins-one lived and one died, my uncle told me he and the baby that lived were leaving the" I ask "why?"

"There's no trace of the baby" I hold Hallie closer to me "is there family you can stay with or"

"I was leaving today, to Washington" I cry, looking up I see my family stare at me.

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