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"Remind me again why we have to see them?" I ask Ronnie, Leah is out with her imprint Xander and daughter Harley doing some sort of family thing-a picnic I think. While Ronnie and I are visiting the wolves because Ronnie wants me to see the new Paul and Embry aka they want to meet me, I've only met Embry once but other than that the only thing I know is that he's friends with Jacob and is a teenager.

"Because they want to meet the mutant who is immortal but doesn't need blood to survive" she pulls up to the Uley Pack House. See there's two different packs in the area: The Uley Pack and The Bloodmoon pack, we decides that name since we have the phasing of the moon in red on our spines-also it sounded really cool. Getting out, we go inside to see Emily there "Emily"

"Ron" Emily smiles seeing us

"Veronica" Ronnie corrects, Emily's smile falls nodding her head. I hear how she wishes we could be friends like we use to be "where's Sam? He has two members who wished to meet Mal"

"Yes, their not here yet" nodding her head "would you like a muffin? Either of you?"

"No thanks" we say just as we hear wolf calls, then I hear someone's voice and I groan "Billy wants grandkids right?"

"Yeah" Ronnie nods her head looking at me "why?"

"Behind us" she looks over and groans too, we walk to the staircase just as Jared and Embry come in. Then Bella who looks at us shocked "hello bitch"

"Who's this?" Emily asks looking at Bella in the doorway.

"Bella Swan" Jared tells her "who else?"

Emily nods her head and gets judge mental "ah, so your the vampire girl?"

Bella nods her head "so your the wolf girl?"

"Yeah" nodding her head "or engaged to one"

Bella then looks at Ronnie and I "you knew?" She asks me "why didn't you tell me? When did you come back?"

"Firstly" putting my fingers up to count "whatever I know or don't know is not any of your business because you are human and don't belong in this world" she scoffs "you don't, your a blood singer. A drug to vampires, nothing more. Secondly I arrived a few days ago. Lastly" thinking "if anyone in this room tells Bella about Ronnie or I or anything related I don't give a fuck I will kill"

"And if my brother knows what is good for him" Ronnie adds "I will kill him or any chances of him ever having kids" I hear Bella's mind and scoff at how she's currently carrying Jacob's child. I can even hear the extra heartbeat.

Ronnie I mentally tell her don't react right now but, Bella is currently pregnant with Jacob's child

WHAT?! She screams

"I see Jacob got around Sam's gag order" Emily comments as Jared and Embry eat.

"Jacob" Bella shakes her head "didn't tell me anything"

"But he did" Ronnie growls "he told you the legends, those aren't for outsiders and yet" she gets in Bella's face growling, Bella looks at her in fear "he told you because you spread your legs for him playing with his emotions"

"Alpha's orders" Embry explains to Bella "Ronnie is an alpha so Mallory and Leah have to listen to her" looking at me "I mean technically Mallory doesn't but that's because she is something entirely different"

"What?" Bella looks at me curious "what are you?"

"Not telling" I can hear how upset she is that she doesn't know. I then hear Embry and what is about to say, so I mentally say to him do not tell Bella anything Embry

He looks at me falling out of his chair, Bella sees this and is curious try not to freak out, yes I have telepathic abilities. But if you dare tell Bella anything more I'll fuck up your brain so badly that you won't know if eating a crayon is healthy or not.

"So who told Bella?" Ronnie demands

"She punches Paul, he shifted before her" Embry tells Ronnie "Bella demanded to know why Jacob isn't talking to her"

After Jacob visited her last night reminding her of the legends I tell Ronnie who growls, her eyes turn purple as she glares at Bella who gulps in fear.

"You may run with vampires, Bella" Jared laughs "but not even you can get past an angry Ronnie"

"You can't run with vampires" Emily snorts "cause their fast"

"Oh yeah?" Jared asks "well, we're faster-scared yet?"

"Your not the first monsters I've met" Bella says curse Edward for not letting Jame's venom turn me

"Jake's right" Sam comes in and goes to Emily "your good with weird" looking at me "Mallory"

"Samuel" I say then look into Jacob's mind when I see him with Paul and oh my god, he never wore a condom with Bella. Ronnie, Jacob had unprotected sex with Bella

Just as Paul and Jacob come in Ronnie yells "you got Bella Swan pregnant?"

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