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"So" Rose paints my toenails as we are over at her house right now, we are in her and Emmett's room. The door is locked but it probably won't stop anyone "how do you feel about all of this?" Waving around "vampires, shifters"

"I'm fine" I don't really think of any other word to express how I'm feeling, I mean if I weren't supernatural myself then I would be freaking out and ask a bunch of questions "I mean, at first I freaked out cause...who knew the supernatural existed" she nods her head "but then, I though their just like any other people except with a few extra things"

She laughs before asking with a serious expression "do you think Bella will find out?"

"From what I know" I say "she probably is writing notes or looking up what you could be, I mean tomorrow I'm going dress shopping with Angela, Lauren and Jessica for a prom dress"

"Are you going?" She asked "to prom?"

"Yeah" nodding my head "I even have a date"

"Who?" She asks, I pull out my phone and show her this really hot guy I met a few weeks ago. She whistles "damn, he's hot"

"His name is Dean"

"Doesn't he look a bit old" she asked "for high school?"

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"Doesn't he look a bit old" she asked "for high school?"

"Aren't you?" She pushes my shoulder and I laugh "okay, but he's like nineteen"

"Like older men?" She asked

"The older the better" yes, I like older men. It's a reason why my dad never has me go to his office, there are a lot of hot lawyers there.

"Speaking of older men" I hear what Rose is thinking, she wants to know how I feel about one of my best friends imprinting on my dad "how do you feel about your father being an imprint?"

I stay silent "I'm not thrilled about it at the moment, but they have agreed to be friends at the moment-if it turns into a romantic one, they will tell me when they are sure so" shrugging my shoulders "I should be fine with how things are for them, I mean I'm not like Leah or her ex and cousin"

"What is going on with those three?" Leah asks "I mean with the baby"

"According to my dad, Sam doesn't have any legal authority or whatever is Leah doesn't put his name on the birth certificate" she says "but if Sam orders to have a paternity test, then it'll turn into a nasty custody battle"

"But wouldn't that be bad for Leah?" She asked

"Yes" nodding my head "that's why dad will be in his lawyer demeanor telling Sam that because wolves are prone to being more angered and stressed this would be a high risk pregnancy-so if Sam wants Leah to have a miscarriage"

"After she gives birth?" Rose asks

"At that point Leah is planning on leaving Washington" actually kidnapping, kind of "well, my dad is a really good lawyer so he'll help Leah"

"What about the kid?" Rose ask "I mean, what is he or she going to think about Sam"

"Who knows?" shrugging my shoulders "all I know is that Leah doesn't want Sam to be apart of her or the baby's life" we are silent before I ask "and what of Bella? When she figures it out"

"You mean if"

"Not with how Edward is being" shaking my head "my cousin will most likely figure it out if she is given the right clues"

~Time Skip~

"The hot pink dress" I tell Jessica "that one will definitely have Mike stare only at you"

"I'm so glad you got better" Angela says to me

"What did you have?" Jessica asks "for you to be gone for two weeks?"

"Pneumonia" lying "yeah, turns out when I was in the city one of my dads clients had it and gave it to me and I gave it to Leah and Ronnie"

"But your better now right?" Jessica asked

"Yeah" nodding my head, I see Bella in the corner by the window being silent "are you going to prom, Bella?"

"No" shaking her head "Um, I'm going to leave you girls-I need to get something" after she leaves I look at Jessica and Angela.

"Why the fuck was she invited?" I demand "you girls have seen her fashion sense"

"She wanted to come along" Angela says "what were we supposed to have said?"

"No" Jessica and I both say

"Bella is a bitch" Jessica looks for some shoes "I mean she knew I like Mike and she blows him off"

"Did the same thing with Eric" I tell them "first day of school for her too" I pick the lilac dress "go with the lilac dress Angela, also here" I grab some white gloves "these will go great with the dress"

"Do you have a dress?" Angela asks me

"Yes" nodding my head "want to see the one I found?" They nod their heads, I grab the black dress that I found that is basically a two piece being held together by chains.

When I walk out, their jaws drop "I like to show off my body, you girls know this"

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When I walk out, their jaws drop "I like to show off my body, you girls know this"

"Every person" Jessica says "will be staring at you" but she is bitterly thinking how she wishes she had my body, she is jealous.

"You" Angela tells me "look amazing"

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