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"Okay" Demetri and Alec helps me finish practicing putting together the car seat in the backseat of the minivan I got "I think we got it"

"Is it crazy" I ask "that it took three vampires who are all over a thousand years old to put in a car seat?"

"Yes" Jane says, looking over we see Jane and Mallory there.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I ask Mallory

Shrugging her shoulders "Came to tell you that I'm in labor" I'm sorry? What?!

"The baby's coming?" I ask, she nods her head "we need to get you to a hospital" running to her, I pick my mate up and run her to the Forks Hospital. Oh my god! It's happening!

~Mallory's POV~

"Squeeze my hips!" I snap at my mate as km in a hospital gown walking around. Whoever said giving birth to a child is a wonderful time, their really fucking stupid! I mean how have humans existed this long?

"Your doing amazing" Felix kisses the side of my head.

Waving my hand "Whatever-where's that doctor with the drugs?!"

In comes the doctor who looks our way "How's it going in here?"

"I'm in labor and I want drugs!" Yelling at him

Felix rubs my lower back "We're doing fine"

"Easy" snapping at my mate "for you to say, your not the one who feels like someone so huge is moving inside of you just to get out!"

"Can she have the epidural?" Felix asks

I look at the doctor who looks ready to give some unfortunate news "Unfortunately we can't give your fiancée any epidurals"

"Why not?!" I snap

The man jumps "Your white blood count is too low, if we were to give you the epidural you could die"

"Give it to me" I growl as Felix sighs "so no epidural"

Felix and the doctor look at me "I need drugs"

"Ah!" Gripping the bed, I take deep breaths as another contraction comes through. Oh this kid better be worth it given the pain I'm in!


"Don't look!" I yell at Felix when he went to look down to see if our son's head is crowning or whatever shit the doctor said.

"Another big push" the doctor orders

Grabbing my mate's hand, I scream when I push. Oh god! I don't know how people have multiple siblings, I understand why mom didn't want to have more kids right away.

Falling back on the bed, I can feel my child needing to be pushed out but I can't "I can't" I start to cry "I want my mom and she's not here"

"I'm here" Felix tells me, I look at him through tears "I'll always be here, I'm not leaving" kissing my forehead "you can do this"

Nodding my head, the doctor orders "One more bit push" I roar when I push with all my might, just one more and he's here.

When this pressure I've been feeling is gone, my legs go limp as I hear the cries of my newborn son "Congratulations" the doctor shows us, I laugh when Felix is handed our son "you have a beautiful baby boy, all ten fingers and ten toes"

"He's beautiful" I cry when Felix hands me our son, our baby stops crying once he's on my chest. Our son looks up at me with bright blue eyes, he soon snuggled into my chest and I laugh out while crying.

"What do we name him?" Felix asks me

"Samuel" I look at Felix "after your brother" Felix told me how in his human life, he had a brother and sister he was extremely close with.

"Samuel Swan" Felix says, yeah we're taking my last name since Felix forgot what his original last name was.

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