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"So Bella guessed" dad sums up why me and dad are at the Cullens right now, Bella is on her way here with Edward since she now knows "after we warned you all that she would"

"Edward is happy" Carlisle says to us as he cuts up the bacon "that's all that matters"

"Will you be turning her?" Dad asks, they are silent "I know my niece and her fear of aging, she'll expect to be turned"

"She isn't being turned" Rose says to us irritated "is she even Italian?" She's holding the salad bowl, the vampires are making Italiano for Bella and us.

"Her names Bella" Emmett says like it's obvious

"Doesn't mean she is" Rose snaps

"I'm sure she'll love it" Carlisle looks at us "thank you for coming over today"

"I need a change from the whole case I'm doing" aka dad is doing a pro bono case for Leah since Sam sued her for custody, because of stupid client and lawyer confidentiality dad can't tell me how the case is going.

"Also we are part Italian" I tell Rose, she sighs looking at me a little less irritated. Yeah we have a summer home that is in Bologna, the last we visited was a few years ago. Dad was forced to be given time off, yeah dad doesn't really take sick days or travel days. He uses the time he has off and we spend it at the beach or some sort of father daughter thing. Well we have been to Italy a few times, first time was with my mom, the second was after mom died and the last time was a few years ago.

"Get a whiff of that" Rose takes an inhale of breathe, I hear Bella's voice "here comes the last human" Esme smiles as we see Edward and Bella enter, Bella is shocked to see me and dad here. Dad hands me some weed he got, yeah with working at a law firm dad has favors and one of them one time was all this confiscated weed and cocaine. Good thing I'm immune to toxins, so I can use this stuff and feed amazed by it. At least I can get a little high buzz from this.

I light it before I smoke it, Esme goes over "Bella, we're making Italiano for you and your family"

"They know?" Bella asks looking at us

"It's rude" dad scolds Bella "Isabella for you to speak about someone with them right before you"

"Yes" Edward says "they know, Bella meet Esme my mother for all intents and purposes"

"You three given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time" Carlisle says to her

"I hope your hungry" Rose told me and dad about this so we didn't have breakfast "we told Gabriel and Mallory, but we didn't know if Edward told you"

"Yeah" Bella lies "absolutely"

"She already ate" Edward says, Rose smashes the glass bowl. I giggle a bit, they look my way as I puff on some more smoke.

"Perfect" Rose walks away "this is just perfect"

"Yeah cause, I know" Bella stutters "I know you guys don't eat so"

"That was very considerate of you" Esme sends Rose a warning look. Carlisle goes over and hugs Esme while Emmett goes to Rose.

"Yeah no, let's pretend this isn't dangerous for all of us" Rose snaps

"I would never tell anyone anything" Bella says, looking at me and dad "and I'm sure my family"

"Do not" dad warns "speak for us Isabella, but regardless we won't say anything either"

"She knows" Carlisle says

"See the problem is" Emmett chuckles "you two have gone public now"

"Emmett" Esme warns

"No" Rose crossed her arms "she should know, the entire family will be implicated is this ends badly" but I feel like their adding something but I don't think I'm in the right mindset to see.

"Right" Bella says "we would become the meal"

They laugh "you would" Emmett says "not these two"

"Why" Bella looks at us "why not"

"Tell Bella, Edward" dad warns "and your dead" using my powers I have Edward be given a nightmare so that he knows not to tell Bella.

"Hi Bella" we see Alice and Jasper come in, I block out Jasper's empath whatever-I block out what he's feeling from everyone. He smiles when he sees me "Mallory, Mr. Swan" she comes over and hugs us all.

"Hello Mal" Jasper says

"Jazzy" I jump into his back "ha ha, funny nickname-Jazzy"

"And your high" he points out

"Huh" putting a hand on my chest "I'm not"

"Oh" we see Alice pull back "you do smell good"

"Alice, what" Edward asks confused

"It's okay Edward" Alice says to him "I know Bella, Mallory and I will be great friends" doubtful.

"Hello Isabella" Jasper says to my cousin, he adjusts his hold on me.

"Jasper is our newest vegetarian" Edward explains Bella.

"How come" Bella asks Jasper "whenever my cousin isn't around you look to be in pain?"

"She block out the emotions I feel" Jasper explains to her

"Your cousin" Carlisle says "May have a natural gift, one that helps Jasper"

"I'm going to show Bella around" Edward takes Bella's arm

"I'll see you later" Alice says to Bella who is still confused while Edward gives her a look.

"That went well" Carlisle says to us

"Clean this up" Esme orders Rose pointing to the floor.

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