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"Woah" I see Violet's face, it's been a week here and I hear Violet's mind. I was in my room working on my homework for my drama class when I hear Violet's mind. How she was beat up by those three bitches today, now I'm before her and see her face "I'm going to kick those bitches fucking asses"

She smirks "no need for that"

"Of course there is" I make it clear "if you think I'm going to let those bitches get away with this"

"Is that a stripper pole?" She walks into my room, yeah I got a stripper pole. Want to try something out, so I chose pole dancing. My room is mainly black with a big red rug.

"Yeah" nodding my head "now, if you don't want me to beat the fucking shit out of these bitches what do you want me to do?"

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"Yeah" nodding my head "now, if you don't want me to beat the fucking shit out of these bitches what do you want me to do?"

"Do you have coke?"

"No" shaking my head "well, not on me but I can get some. Why?"

"That bitch, Leah?" She says "I'm going to bring her here and make sure she doesn't bully me anymore"

"And her lackies?" I ask pulling out a bottle of rum.

"Can you scare the fucking shit out of them?" She asks "make sure they suffer?"

"Of fucking course" I smile, but I get a bad feeling. Something is not right, I don't know what it is but this house...there isn't something right.

When I have my things ready to make those other bitches pay, I head Violet and Leah's voices and go down the basement to where they are and I hear screaming "Violet!" The lights are off but I see a figure, when I do I scream in fear cause this is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

"Get away!" I yell, using my powers the thing falls down holding its head and then the lights are turned on. I see that Leah run away in fear, I look at Violet then to Uncle Ben's patient Tate "what the fuck did you do?"

"Who the fuck was down here?" Violet demands, the guy looks at us confused. I hiss in pain, looking down I see there's a claw mark scratch on my arm "Mal?"

"Get the fuck out" I order Tate, he stares at me "now!" Using my powers he grabs his head before staring at me wide eyed and leaves.

"What happened?" Violet cries

"I don't know, but let's get out of here" we walk out of the basement. I close the door and lock it, looking down at my arm I see it's not healing. Whatever clawed me was not human. I need to figure out what the fuck is going on in this house.

~Felix's POV~

I was in the throne room, waiting in silence as nothing happens like normal. Then all of a sudden a wave of terror comes over me, drawing the attention of everyone. But in my eyes I see I'm in the dark and the most terrifying thing ever is before me, the thing is paler than us vampires and has these sharp animalistic teeth with red eyes. I then see that a beautiful human woman with brown eyes and pale skin was with a few other women screaming in terror.

"Felix!" I hear my name be yelled and see Aro before me "what was that?"

"What?" Caius demands

"Felix?" Aro asks again "what was that?"

"I don't know" still shaken up about it, I focus on the woman but I feel anger at her terrified face.

"Take a bit of time off" Aro orders, nodding my head I run back to my room and once I'm here I sit down on my couch and think.

"Dude" I jump, looking up I see Demetri there worried with Santiago and Afton "what happened?"

"What made you scream?" Santiago asks "all our lives we have never seen you act like this"

"I don't know" saying again "I don't know"

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