Chapter 1. Meeting

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The rich aroma of a fresh Colombian blend coffee heighten my senses as i sit at my desk doing paper work like usual, the sudden burst of my office doors opening interrupts my simple yet peaceful morning "good morning Eloise" my assistant chirps, I...

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The rich aroma of a fresh Colombian blend coffee heighten my senses as i sit at my desk doing paper work like usual, the sudden burst of my office doors opening interrupts my simple yet peaceful morning "good morning Eloise" my assistant chirps, I roll my eyes.

can't I just have a simple morning?

I think to myself as I let out a soft sigh, I look up at her "good morning to you to Amara" shes grins

did I mention my assistant is also my sister?

"you have a meeting with Alessio Mariano and investors this morning about the partnership" she says before I can finish my thoughts, I sigh, not having the mental capacity to deal with anyone today due to the last couple days of business.

"okay, reschedule for another day" I reply tiredly, I stand up from my seat and head for my office doors "it may be a little late for that, they will be here in the next few minutes" she says sheepishly, I turn to look at her sending a glare.

I step out my office and head for the elevator, I own a small business..okay maybe a multi-million dollar company, its always been my dream since childhood to own my own business and here I am today, owner of my own jewelry line.

My Desirable Secret

The elevator doors open and I step out and make my way to the conference room, I pull the doors open letting the cool draft of the a/c hitting my bare exposed skin out of my blazer "good morning ladies and gentlemen" I say calmly

I make my way to my place at the head of the table and taking in my surroundings while doing so, all of the chairs are filled as my eyes roam around the room, until they eventually lock on the deep pair of emerald eyes at the other end of the table.

I take in his features, hes quiet handsome that I will not lie about, his captivating eyes suits his chiseled face, along with the light stubble, his dark hair slicked back, letting very light strands fall onto his face, you can tell he's very muscular underneath the suit as his biceps and taut muscles are clearly fitted in his suit.

Before I can let my thoughts finish I hear someone clear their throat, I send a glare straight to that person "are we going to start the meeting or not?" hes asks impatiently "last time I checked your in my place of business so have some patience" I reply nonchalantly, walking over to the desk in the corner of the room with the stack of papers on them.

The person scoffs "wheres your boss lady? He needs to fire you for your attitude towards the people that are paying you" he says, I take a deep breath and turn to him "You see...whatever your name is, your in my building and as for the boss, your staring right at her and this lady with an 'attitude' will be the reason you walk out of here without a dime to your name, now be ever so kindly and get the hell out my building" I state.

He gets up and points at me "listen here you-" hes cut of by the sudden burst of doors as I called security, they drag him out of the office screaming and yelling. "now, now that hes gone shall we get started?" I say, the same stranger at the end of the table lets out a light chuckle

"and who are you?" I ask, taking a seat in my chair and crossing my legs "Alessio Mariano, pleasure to meet you Mrs. Reeves" he says smirking, I narrow my eyes at him trying to read him

he gives me the impression of someone who only takes what he wants seriously and not what's actually serious

"checking me out Mrs. Reeves?" he grins "Why would I? The other women in the room seem to be doing it but why would I? Hm?" I tilt my head to him and his grin fades away "Snappy I see" he leans back "Snappy isn't the word, level headed and isn't up for games like yourself is probably the better term" I respond "shall we?" I sit up and speak to everyone at the table as they all nod

"I'm here on the behalf of Clarissa Scott, the business deal goes as said in the folder" the woman speaks as I begin to look over the folder "the deal will go for 5 years and each side will get their money and times worth" she speaks again in a gleaming tone "no thank you" I say plainly as I hand her back the file

"what?" she questions "what do you mean what? There are many faults in that contract, one of them being the loan, coming to me when there's not any footing or structure of the business, a loan to start the production of the line is one thing but I need structure, do you have any plans for it" I tell her folding my arms

"well you have to understand that not everyone may have the financial properties to start the line, a partnership is not a bad idea, ever heard of teamwork" she says standing up "okay, what does that have to do with me? Like I asked do you not have any plans or designs?" she shakes he head no "Understandable but there's no need for you to come and try to find someone your boss can lean on" she scoffs at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"you can do that outside the door, which is that way" I tell her as I point to the door, she grumbles as she gets up from her seat and walks out, slamming the door behind her

"anyone else?" I ask the table.


I've been in here for hours, going through offer after offer and deal after deal

there's only 5 people in the room left who hasn't given me a stupid excuse and a lame proposal, we've all agreed to discuss the production of the new jewelry line as a small team and will work out ideas from there, as of right now I am explaining the plan, marketing, investing and all of key essentials for the whole program

I finish explaining as I finally ask once more "any questions?" I say turning around and looking at those at the table, when the tall broad stranger at the end of the table speaks "come stai così bella?" how are you this beautiful?

Honestly, I was a little shocked as I haven't spoken Italian in a long time and to someone outside of my family too "che sta chiedendo al signor Mariano?" who is asking Mr. Mariano?

I respond in a calm and composed tone, he looks at me shocked and I smirk internally "okay everyone, that should be all for the day" I say walking over to the door and opening it "I shall see you all tomorrow morning to discuss further, have a good day" I speak once more as they all get up and begin to walk out

all except Mr. Mariano

"is there something you need sir?" I ask "you for one night preferably" he smirks, I narrow my eyes at him "I keep my personal life and work apart, so I'd be appreciated if we keep things professional" I say walking out as he follows behind me "well, I shall ask when your off duty" he states "that's not going to work" I reply

"business partners should get to know each other" I hear him say "I appreciate your gratitude but strictly business, have a good day Mr. Mariano" I state lastly before stepping into my office and closing the door behind me.

 Mariano" I state lastly before stepping into my office and closing the door behind me

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