Chapter 16. Looking and Match Making

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 The next day I take a shower and get ready, I then change into a pair of plain blue high waist-ed jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers, heading out the door I grab my bag "hey you ready?" I ask as I knock on Sofia's door, she opens...

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The next day I take a shower and get ready, I then change into a pair of plain blue high waist-ed jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of white sneakers, heading out the door I grab my bag "hey you ready?" I ask as I knock on Sofia's door, she opens it "yea just give me a second" she tells me and I nod.

I head to Alessio's office to let him know Sofia and I are going out for a while but when I enter I only find Nikolai sitting in one of the chairs on his phone and no Alessio.

hehe, just the person I'm looking for

"hey. Nikolai how are you?" I ask, causing him to look at me "I'm fine, but your all cheerful all of a sudden....what are you up to?" he asks narrowing his eyes at me "nothing, but I do have some questions for you" I say and he tilts his head "okay, well go on, ask"

"how do you feel about Sofia" I just blurt out and he looks a little stunned "well, uhh" he barely answers "just by that response I can tell" I say grinning "tell what?" he asks as he looks around nervously "come on, you like her, stop acting like a 16 year old in high school" I say and all he does is sigh.

"okay I like her, and for a very long time too at that, ever since me and Alessio were kids I always found she's a beautiful and caring person, the way she cares for those around her and the stupid things she says that makes me want to laugh I just wish sometimes I can just hold her and kiss her, when I see her she makes me feel this way, a way I never felt with anyone else" I feel my heart melt at the way he talks about her.

"you love her.." I say in realization as a big smile comes on my face, "okay, I do but I can't" he says with a sad expression "why not?" I ask "Alessio will go ballistic if he ever finds out about something like that I mean come on, I'm twice her age" sighing heavily.

"that may be so, but if both of you love each other you guys can't let Alessio rule the connection between you 2" I say in all honesty "well, then what...i don't know where to start" he says.

gosh for grown ups these guys are real babies

"start off my asking her to the ball or even talk to her when we come back" I tell him "where are you guys going?" he ask "she's dragging me to go dress shopping" I say wiping away a fake tear and I hear him chuckle "well have fun then, I have some stuff to do" he says as he gets up and walks out.

I then hear the door open again and familiar the scent is what tells me he's in the room "what you and Nikolai were talking about?" he questions as he closes the door behind him "nothing, anyway I came to tell you Sofia and I are going dress shopping" I say "dress shopping?" he asks "yes dress shopping, for the ball this weekend" I reply "I've been meaning to talk to you about that" he says "don't you think its a little to late to ask me to go with you?" I say with a smirk.

"I've been busy Eloise, as well that wasn't my concern these past few days, my concern is you" he says as he steps closer to me

and I feel something in me when he says that, "but aside from that, will you go with me?" and I feel his arms around my waist.

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