Chapter 26. Staying

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 I haven't left the hospital since

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I haven't left the hospital since...

my mother bought a bag of things I may need as she realized I won't be leaving anytime soon. I changed into a fresh pair of clothes as they tended to the injury on my arm.

Not leaving the hospital is one thing....I haven't left her side since. The distant beeping of the patient monitor is the only sound that fills the room, the cool breeze from the A/C hits my skin as I sit on the chair beside her bed. My hand in hers I hold onto it tightly not wanting to let go..

I can't even begin to explain how much I hate myself for letting this happen, I promised her... I promised her I'd keep her safe and I couldn't even do that, looking at her bruised face...even after all what happened she still lies here peacefully.

Her shallow breaths are all that keep me going..knowing she's still here in some way...

days and weeks passed, not one part of me has given up hope she will just open her eyes one day, seeing her smile again...her beautiful brown eyes staring back at me. I've left in between to make sure things are okay back home but other than that, I've been with her ever since.

"you know" I hear a soft feminine voice say, looking up I realize its my mother entering the room "I'm glad you found her" she finishes sitting beside me on the couch, titling my head I look at her "I'm glad you gave a second chance at love for her" rubbing small circles on my back.

I sigh, "something's wrong?" stopping for a moment "I screwed up, big time" mumbling "I didn't tell her about Christina...i hated how I acted towards her because I let Christina's words get to my head..i ignored her and her feelings..we were supposed to talk about it when she got back but.." I exhale sharply.


wincing when I feel a hard slap on my shoulder "Alessio!" she scolds me "how could you not tell her something like that, even if she didn't care about it or not you, still held something from her" tap "and you ignored her on top of that" going on.

"I know, its already eating me up inside" pausing for a moment "did you know she was sick?.." she softly asks "no, but...i can't really be mad at her either.." looking at her "you two have a lot to discuss when she wakes up"

"she's a beautiful soul you know, strong willing, fun to be around and she looks like a walking goddess" smirking she nudges me winking, I chuckle lightly "someone like's her" I say "how could I not, she's like a daughter to me, besides she's willing to put up with your stubborn ways, you're meant for each other" embracing me in her arms.

I hold her tightly, " I want to marry her.." she pulls away to look at me, her face in awe. A bright smile appears on her face "Finally!" she squeals, I smile at her "how are you gonna ask her" clasping her hands together.

"I don't know yet...i just know I want to be by her side for the rest of her life.." smiling at the thought of that. "we have so much to plan!" I smile at my mother's excitement as she rushes out the room happily.

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