Chapter 13. What Did You Say

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 After Alessio left, I just went back to the room and haven't talked to him since, eventually he let me go back to my own room

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After Alessio left, I just went back to the room and haven't talked to him since, eventually he let me go back to my own room

I've been feeling the effects of the past few days, causing me to be bedridden and unable to really do anything I haven't left the room in days and its really starting to affect me, Alessio has been in and out since, constantly checking on me though and bring me whatever I need.

I really didn't have the energy

I need to get up

is all I can think and tell myself but I don't move

I feel disgusted with myself

but I've been this way since I was 12 and I've been dealing with it since, I finally find the energy to move and not be a unmotivated sack of a person but what I don't have is the energy to deal or even talk to people. I walk into the bathroom, I feel horrible as I look at the shitty state I'm in right now.

Opening the draw rummaging through it hoping to find the familiar orange bottle at the back, finally laying my hands on it as I take it out, grabbing the cup near the sink and filling it with water, I do the same routine I've done for the past 10 years. Letting the water I take was away the typical medicine taste as I swallow the pills.

I place the bottle back the the back of the draw and cover it with other toiletries, I strip my clothes off, I step into the shower just hoping to at least wash off the ick I've been feeling ever since.

when I step out and feel a little better but the tiredness and exhaustion is still there, I just brush, apply some leave in conditioner and leave my curly hair to fall to my waist, change into a pair of sweat pants and a fitted black t-shirt, I check the time to see its 11:30 that means everyone is probably having lunch.

oh well

I step out of my room and head for the kitchen, as I come closer to the kitchen I can hear the muffled sounds of talking, when I enter I go for the tea even though its 11 in the afternoon I just need some something comforting right now.

"look what the cat dragged in" I hear a voice say

oh great Fiona

I don't have the energy for anyone, let alone her.

I continue with my initial plan and look for a mug for my tea and pour myself a cup and start looking for the ingredients for a sandwich.

"what? You can't talk now?"


"you have a lot to tell me the other day but I'm ready for your ass now"


"wow, I guess all that mouth was just a show"

I turn around and lean on the kitchen island and look at her dead in the eye and I can tell she's intimidated by me "can't you see I don't give a flying rats ass about what you have to say? Shut up for once" I say titling my head, I turn back around and continue making my food.

everyone around the table are grinning and snickering but no one says a thing "you've got some nerve to talk to me like that" she says in a shocked manner "and who are you to tell me that, what are you gonna do? Bite me?" I ask her, I still pay attention to my food, she doesn't respond "your silence is my answer, I will treat you how you treat me and so far your attitude is what your getting in return" I say dryly.

"did you fall on your head or something?" she says trying to be smug "did your fall on your ass? Its looking a little flatter than usual" I reply, I hear her gasp.

dramatic much?

"what did you just say, for your information I look a whole lot better than you" she says proudly but all I can do is try to catch the liquid trying to burst out of my mouth, even the ones sitting at the table stared to choke on their food.

"girl, are you getting into Alessio's shipments? You must be sniffing the good stuff huh and another thing why are you even here still, no one likes you" I say grabbing my food and heading back to my room when his highness shows up "Eloise" is all manages to say before the. thing cuts him off "Alessio, please tell this whore that we're happy together" she whines to him.

I grip the plate and cup in my hand trying to contain the anger by her "Fiona you were just a one time thing, get the fuck outta here, I have no problem having someone remove you if you don't want to" he says in a stern voice "but-" she tries to speak but he cuts her off "and call Eloise another name and I will deal with you personally" he snaps.

I look at her with a shit eating grin "will ain't that a bitch" I tell her as I walk back to the room but I don't ignore the fact Alessio is following me like a lost puppy "Eloise I need to talk to you" he says "can we do this after I'm done eating?" I ask "no, now" but all I manage to do is groan "fine, we'll talk in the bedroom" I respond as he agrees.

I sit on the bed stuffing my face he just looks at me "what never seen a girl eat before?" I say raising my hand, he lets out a soft laugh but it fades away like something brought him back to reality "Eloise, I have some news for you" he says "what?"

"there's another mafia involved with the bounty on you and not only they have joined forces to kill you they also kidnapped your family" he says, in that moment I instantly spit my food out "they fucking what? Where are they? Alessio answer me" my mind goes blank and all I can think about is my family.

no response

"Alessio fucking answer me right now or god so help me I will burn this place to the ground if that gets you to open your damn mouth" I shout .

"I know where they are Eloise and I already have my men organizing a team, we will get them back" he answers "well coming and I don't give a fuck what you say I'm going" I say as I being to change my clothes and grab my things.

"Eloise" he tries to say but I cut him off "no, what ever your going to say won't change my mind" but all he does is chuckles "you really are stubborn" he says as he stands up and walk towards me, he pulls me closer and says softly.

"I made a promise to myself the day you came here, I will protect you and keep you safe no matter what" he says as he caresses my face.

"I also told myself that I never want to see that pretty face of yours sad or hurt and I promise you I will do everything in my power to get your family back"and with that he kisses my forehead and leaves and I suddenly miss his warmth, but be doesn't go without saying "we leave tonight".

I hope my family is okay...

I hope my family is okay

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