Chapter 18. Just Us

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*Sexual content*

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*Sexual content*

before I can do anything, he pulls me closer to him, "I want to taste you first" he tells me as he guides me to sit back on the bench, he slowly parts my legs as he looks at me, I feel the heat between my legs grow, seeing his face so close to my core gives me an unbelievable feeling.

I stroke his hair as he lays soft kisses on my inner thigh leading up to my neck, he pulls away and that's when I feel his lips soon latches onto my nipples I moan when his teeth grazes my nipples slightly, his other hand plays with the other, tugging on it.

he starts to lay kisses down to my stomach and on my waist line, leaving marks and love bites all over me as he goes lower, finally reaching my aching core.

"so wet for me" I hear him say but my thoughts disappear when his tongue runs up and down my slit before sucking lightly on my clit, he lays light kisses on it in between and I run my hand through his hair before tugging on it wanting more of him.

his groans sends vibrations to my clit, his tongue circled around my clit as he sucks harshly and

my mind goes blank from all the pleasure, his fingers slips into me and I moan out loud "Alessio please" I beg feeling the knot in my stomach build as my climax reaches.

he pulls away and looks up to me as he continues to pump his fingers into me, going deeper and faster, I feel him curl his fingers in me, finding my g-spot "look at me, look at me while my fingers please you" he tells me, I find myself struggling to look at him as my legs begin to shake rapidly "cum on my fingers baby" and I do as I'm told, my mind becomes fuzzy and pleasure is all I feel as I cum hard and unravel in front of him.

I breathe heavily as he takes his fingers out of me and slide them into my mouth, I clean of my juices on his fingers as he looks at me with pure lust in his eyes.

before can say or do anything, I feel him pull me toward him, picking me up and sliding into me, my mouth opens and my eyes roll to the back of my head and he sits down, having me straddle him and his length going deeper into me.

oh, he's deep

his length stretches me out the deeper it goes "ride me baby" I hear him tell me and a hard spank follows after, I jolt from the sudden action and rock my hips back and forth before slowly coming up and going back down.

I pick up my pace, bouncing on his large cock, moans and whimpers are all that leave my mouth as I call out his name "fuck your so big, its stretching me out" I whine.

he grabs my waist and pounds into me from underneath, I lay my head on his chest as he goes deeper and faster causing me to be unable to speak, I feel my climax on the edge and I clench around him "oh fuck, do that again" I hear him say and I do just that.

"your driving me crazy" he says and my legs begin to shake but then he suddenly stops "Alessio" I whine, he doesn't say anything but he gets up and lays on my back and pressed my legs together and slides deep into me, I let out a deep groan as the position lets him sink deeper into me, his strokes start of slow but end up rough and deep .

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