Chapter 6. Go Away

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I look up at the ceiling my mind completely blank, ignoring these two assholes speaking "you can't ignore us forever"

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I look up at the ceiling my mind completely blank, ignoring these two assholes speaking "you can't ignore us forever"

I don't respond

"leave, I'll deal with her" Alessio says as Nikolai leaves the room

"your the last person I want to deal with right now, you kidnap me and expect me to cooperate with you?" I stated nonchalantly "as I said many times, your brother used you as a form of payment, at first I didn't agree but I gave him time, he didn't work with that time and here we are" he replies

"I have nothing to do with this yet you drag me into it? like I said many times before, I do not care", he sighs as I reply "look I get it you want your money, but using me as a form of it ain't gonna gain you anything buddy, my brother obviously doesn't care about me or probably the entire family, so luring him into your trap of torture and death isn't gonna work" I say as I finally look at him.

He smirks, "you may not see it the way I see it Bella" I narrow my eyes at him "are you gonna leave me tied up forever or what?" he sighs and walks behind me as he cuts the ropes, as soon as I'm free I turn around and slap him "I don't care what happens to me but what I do know is that I'm not gonna be at your knees for you and tolerate your bullshit like everyone else" I snap.

his jaw ticks as he turns to face me, suddenly in one swift movement I'm pinned against the wall and a gun it pointed to my head as his hand around my throat.

"you have the audacity to lay your hand on me" he seethes, I smirk "did I make Mr. big bad and scary mad?" I can see the anger rise in him "that's a lot coming from someone who has their hand around a young lady's throat" I taunt, "what are you gonna do, shoot me? If so you, forgot to take the safety it" silence "your playing a dangerous game Bella" and with that he releases his hold of me and walks out.

Guess I really did make Mr. big bad and scary mad

Shes just fucking with you

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Shes just fucking with you

As I walk down the hall into my office, I call my sister, "Sofia, take her to her room and show her around" I state, she nods and leaves my office.

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