Chapter 7. Stuck

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 I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I groan and roll over til I remember where I am, I immediately spring off the bed and grab my work clothes as I rush into the shower

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I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I groan and roll over til I remember where I am, I immediately spring off the bed and grab my work clothes as I rush into the shower. I look at the time 7:34 crap, I quickly put on my clothes, tie my hair up, grab my stuff and rush down the hallway for the stairs.

As soon as I reached the door I bump into a tall, broad person causing me to stumble back "can't let you go princess" I narrowing my eyes at Angelo as he responds, "what do you mean you can't let me go, I have a company to run" he looks at me "look princess I'd let you go, but its for your safety as of this moment" he states.

"look thank you for looking out for me, but I need to be leaving" I say as I try to get past him and leave but he blocks my way, "as I said Bella I can't let you leave" he responds sympathetically, I soften my gaze at him as I realize he probably has nothing to do with it, "where's your brother" I ask "he's in a meeting right now" he says "good" I say as I head for his office "where are you going?" I hear him shout from behind me "too pay him a visit" I say "he won't like that Bella" he shouts "I don't care!" I shout back.

I push both doors open, "why the fuck I can't leave, I didn't ask to be here" I say sternly as everyone around the table looks at me, but I only focus on one pair of eyes, Alessio's

his jaw ticks as I look at him, I hear someone beside me "who the fuck are you bitch?"

what is it with you guys and the word bitch geez

"you won't call your daughter a bitch, so why are you disrespecting someone else's? get the fuck out of my face" I say as I make my way to Alessio but I'm suddenly pulled by my wrist "the fuck did you just say to me"

his grip tightens on my wrist when I turn to look at him, I then hear a gun cock and I feel the cold metal pressed against my lower stomach "what are gonna do asshole? awe you feel intimidated by me" I pout sarcastically, before he can respond I rip my hand from his grip and drew my arm back and aimed for his nose, hitting him with one blow I grab the gun with my other hand as he reaches for is bleeding nose, I point the gun at him

"the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy whore" he says with a groan, before I can respond I hear another gun being cocked "call her a whore one more time and I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your brain" Alessio says, I turn to him, only to meet the look of pure anger and hatred on his face "get the fuck out of my office, all of you" he barks, they all scramble out mumbling and some saying 'yes boss'

he sits back in his seat "you will be dealt with later" he tells the guy who's nose I just broke, he then looks a me coldly "why are you here Eloise?" he asks, "why can't I leave? I'm supposed to be in my office running, my company" I state angrily "don't worry about It, your sister will take care of it" he responds, I feel a wave of anger pass over me

"the fuck do you mean she will take care of it, I've worked so hard for that company just for you to take me against my will and then tell me this shit now" I said raising my voice "it is in good hands, no?" he says tauntingly, I glare at him "alright Alessio, since we're gonna do this buckle up, cause I'm not an easy person to deal with" I say walking out "oh and, I'm keeping this" I say raising the gun "since you mother fuckers wanna take mine away"

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