Chapter 29. Morning

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 Walking into the dining room, all heads turn to us, each with a smirk "good to see you Eloise, I see you're already gett-" Sofia cuts off Nikolai with a nudge but her laugh while doing so tells all, rolling my eyes I take a seat next to my father

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Walking into the dining room, all heads turn to us, each with a smirk "good to see you Eloise, I see you're already gett-" Sofia cuts off Nikolai with a nudge but her laugh while doing so tells all, rolling my eyes I take a seat next to my father.

A familiar little voice is heard through out the hall as it gets closer "Zia! Zia!" turning to see Elliot coming at me, leaping into my arms I laugh at his cute reaction. Antonio and Aurora follow behind him hand in hand "you look a lot more pregnant the last time I saw you" I smile at her

"Eloise! Awe I'm so glad you're back" she hugs me "I see my brother has already gotten in his cookie jar" Antonio remarks patting Alessio's shoulder, the two of them go at each other with stupid jokes "that's a lot coming from you, can't leave poor Aurora alone, while she's pregnant too" I roll my eyes at there little bickering back and forth.

"how are you feeling? We all missed having you around, the place felt gloomy without you" rubbing my shoulder she scoots herself between Alessio and I "uh, a lot better than being asleep for three months? Heh, better, small discomfort in between but I can manage" I reply as I pick up my fork.

Avena and my mother comes around the corner with more food on platters "since Eloise is home, we wanted to go all out" smiling Avena places more food on my plate, the entire time Elliot sits on my lap peacefully admiring me "six months pregnant huh?" she looks down at her belly with a smile "can't wait.." I smile.

"alright everyone, lets say our prayers and eat" Avena says, the food tasted heavenly....i couldn't get enough, I finished a while ago, I'm feeding Elliot right now. Aurora and Antonio went to their room to discuss something...we both know the 'discussion' they're having, leave this little handsome price to me.

Alessio, now seated next to me. His fingers play with the loose curls of my messy bun, he's just looking at me without any words, a soft smile planted on his face. The room is filled with talking and laughter, just how home should be..

spooning the last bit of food and feeding it to Elliot, I wipe his mouth with me shirt "full?" I ask him, giving me a happy nod his cute little face is covered in a smile "okay, go and surprise mommy and daddy" getting up from my seat with him in my arms, I set him down, seeing him run off and up the stairs...hehe, they are in for a surprise alright.

"going in love?" my dad ask, I smile "yes, tell mama I say good night" as she and Avena are in the kitchen chatting away like best buds, I say my goodnights to everyone and go to my room. Of course with Alessio following behind me like a lost puppy "the room better be clean mister" I point my finger at him, chuckling he push the door open, it looks exactly the way it was before.

"did you even sleep in here?" I ask as everything remains untouched "couldn't..." turning to him with a pout on my face, I pull him into the room and close the door behind me "well now you can, so if you'd ever be so kind and join me in the shower, I'm sure you'd sleep like a baby after" I smirk and walk off into the bathroom...

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