Chapter 25. Hoping

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 I can't tell you how long I've been here, my has been thrown back the entire time and my eyes just stare at the ceiling

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I can't tell you how long I've been here, my has been thrown back the entire time and my eyes just stare at the ceiling...

I sit here feeling the most vulnerable...disgusted and violated, I've ever felt in my entire life. I've been awake ever since they all left the room, I can't see myself sleeping in the sate and place I'm in right now.

My face has dried by now as I spent the entire time crying and sobbing to the point where any emotion that was left in me went away. Part of me hoped and prayed someone...just someone would just come for me...

after what felt like hours of helpless crying, I gave up...normally I'd push and fight but I accept it, its not like I have a choice either..the stab wound in my leg, ls bleeding out. I'm aware the my blood pressure is low as the dizziness isn't helping and my breaths are short pants at the moment and I've lost all feeling in my leg, It probably won't be long before I suffer from a stroke..or I might just die.

Boy am I having a good ole dandy time

I don't even realize when someone enters the room, the sudden feeling of a blanket being thrown on me makes me raise my head to look at the person. Christina stands there, first aid kit in her hand "I hate you, but I'd also hate being bare chested in this state" she kneels down to my leg and begins to unpack the little red bag, all I do is look at her every move.

I could care less what she hates or think right now.

"we need you alive for whatever reason, so here I am tending to you. I don't know the first this about how to deal with a person with your sickness but stopping the bleeding should be enough" placing a cotton dipped in alcohol on it, I hiss at the sudden pain.

She takes a length of gauze and wraps it around the length of my leg, making sure its tight enough to place pressure on my wound, she glances at me before exhaling sharply "I was promised to Alessio at a young age, I hated it at first, I just turned 16 and I'm being given away like it meant nothing. But as I met him and we grew up together...I felt, okay with the fact I get to spend my life with him...i fell for him" tighten the end of gauze she begins to pack up the kit.

"but even though that's what I told myself, deep down I didn't know what I wanted. Though I grew with him and I did care for him, I felt like, there was more out there" my eyes follow her every move as she pauses for a moment..

"I cheated. Stupid I know, I had the perfect guy in front of me, willing to destroy the world if it means seeing me smile and yet I went off with the first guy that knew the right things to say" looking at me..with an indescribable look in her eyes, its almost like there's sympathy but covered up by hatred.

"long story short, he found out and hated me for it. At first I felt nothing towards it but after a while it pained me to know I messed up the one good thing in my life, I tried but he won't even look at me but seeing you just pop up one day and he's intrigued by you in many ways I envied you. You have the perfect person but your too stubborn to notice it and treat him like utter shit" her voice raising as each word slips out her mouth.

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