Chapter 3. Have A Good Day

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 The next day I make my way into Mariano Enterprise, to find out the real reason for the call off

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The next day I make my way into Mariano Enterprise, to find out the real reason for the call off

normally I don't bother with such things but the whole group and the launch could falter and I'm not about to let that happen, I've put to many hours and energy into this launch and for some cocky guy to just call it quits isn't gonna fit in my plan.

I open the doors as I came up to the receptionist, who has an attitude "I'm here to see Mr. Mariano" I said, she looks at me up and down before going back to tapping on her phone.

"hello, I'm here to see Mr. Mariano" I said "yea yea lady, I heard you the first time have some patience" she said, I inhale sharply "thank you for your time" I say one last time as I walk over to the elevator, she calls out after me but I chose to ignore her.

Once the elevator doors open there are only on pair of the large doors on the entire top floor, large windows on each side lets the natural sunlight illuminate the walkway, I can hear faint sounds of talking as I come closer to the door.

I knock the first time.

having some sort of decency.

no answer so I just open them without another thought, there is another person in the room

an older man, very trimmed and clean for his age but he looks like someone just scared the last bit of life left in him.

"good day Mr. Mariano, I'm here to discuss the sudden drop of your end of the deal" I stated, he looks at me with the most annoyed face "can't you see I'm in the middle of something Mrs. reeves" he grits

"can't you see I asked you a question?" I ask tilting my head, he lets out a low groan "can we do this another time?" he asks, I can the see the vain popping out of his forehead from anger by now but I pay no mind. "why another time when I'm right in front of you right now?" I asked as I rounded the desk to where I now stood in front of him with my arms folded.

"you don't know who your messing with bambina" little girl

he seethes

"is that a threat I hear Mr. Mariano?" I question to him "take it how you want to Mrs. Reeves" he replies.

I narrow my eyes at him, I walk over to one of the chairs in the room and take a seat, crossing my legs and taking of the the magazines on the side table "what are you doing?" he asks "I shall wait til you finish your meeting" I state, flipping through the pages

"Mr. Freeman, you are free to leave but you will be here 8 am sharp, got it?" he tells the older man sternly, I can see the fear and worry in his eyes but I say nothing "y-yes" he stutters, his chest rising and falling quickly as his breath increases

"out" he barks at him, the poor guy scurries out of the chair and out the door swiftly "why are you here?" he asks, walking over to one of his tables in the office, pours himself a glass of whiskey "did you not hear me when I came into the office? Or where you to caught up in scaring people?"

"business" he says calmly, taking a sip of the bourbon in his hand "mhm, why?" I ask "reasons" he shrugs his shoulders, I inhale sharply "does that bother you Mrs. Reeves?" he ask, I can see the smug look on his face "why would it? I'll do just fine without you" I state as I get up and begin to grab my things.

"you will? Doesn't seem so, if you will, why did you come here in the first place" he questions as he stalks towards me "I've put to much effort into organizing this launch and for you to just call off your end, no" I state "but, I can easily make your part of the share, mine, it is my company after all" I tell him looking directly in his eyes.

"stubborn I see" he chuckles "no, I just don't have the tolerance for...bullshit" I explain with a tight lipped smiled.

"if that's so, I am not your cup of tea" he smugly grins "I've come to that realization" I say, he walks closer to me, with each step he takes forward I take one backward.

my backing up stops when my back finally hits his office door, he leans closer to me, his cologne corrupts my sense of smell.

"why don't we discuss this over dinner, hm? Or we can also discuss it on my bed" he whispers into my ear, I remain calm and try my hardest not to let the small anger in me rise "one, that's very inappropriate and I am in no hurry to jump into a bed with anyone, especially you" I seethe, I rest my hand on his chest and push him away "and two, there is nothing to discuss anymore, your interest are clearly elsewhere"

"never been shown a good time princess?" he smiles, his hands going into his pockets "to whom it may concern, its none of their business" I say as I turn to the door "oh, you may want to change your receptionist, she's kind of a bitch, I'm sure you've dealt with those kind of people before, probably even fucked them" I internally chuckle.

"not a good look for the company, as well as deal with your 'personal' matters in your own time, not out in the open of your company office, its a clear picture when one comes into your office and find you threatening a man" I say opening the door.

"your playing a dangerous game love, I like it" he says, "no, not dangerous, its simply common sense to know those around you, and I know who you really are..." I respond "I will see you tomorrow so you can close off your end of the deal, your clearly bluffing to see my reaction to you being out of the deal, but oh well, not my choice, have your pen ready" are my final words before I leave his office, I go back to the main floor, to find the same receptionist standing there, the anger on her face cannot be hidden.

I pay no mind and walk past her.

good job to you Eloise

oh shut up.

oh shut up

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