Chapter 31. Hesitant

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 I tumble and toss in the bed

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I tumble and toss in the bed...for what reason? I don't know.

Alessio is sound asleep, tangled around me like a baby to its mother. Trying my best to wriggle and get out of his hold without waking him, which is almost impossible with the way he's gripping onto me, swiftly getting the last piece of me away, I make my down to the kitchen.

The sound of shuffling and chewing gets clearer as I round the corner, "caught ya" I say softly with a smile. Sitting there, whipped cream in one hand while a Oreo in the other, Aurora stops in her tracks, a nervous smile plastered on her face.

"what ever you're having, break off some" I say, rounding the kitchen island and sitting next to her "how come you're up?" I shrug no really knowing "I've been having trouble sleeping these few nights" she pushes a container of oreos to me, followed by a bowl of kiwi and honey. My head tilts "kiwi?" she nods with a smile.

"look, you take the kiwi, then some honey and top it off with a little whipped cream, not to much, just a smudge" showing me just what shes doing, my eyebrows raise in confusion "try it" she implies, hey, there"s nothing wrong with trying new things...Right?

Letting her place it in my mouth, I chew it hesitantly..unsure how to feel about it til all the flavors hit me and...its fucking delicious "how on earth did you come up this" I say helping my self to this odd yet tasty combination.

"pregnancy" she shrugs, earning a laugh from me "your gonna pop any day huh?" she smiles softly "well..A month again but..i can't wait to meet the little guy" her hand rubbing her belly "oh, its a boy?" I exclaim excitedly but softly.

"yep..haven't told Antonio yet...wanted to tell him on Christmas, like a surprise" I admire and smile at her "you knocked up yet?" she suddenly blurts out, I stare at her wide eyed for a moment "uh..i uh" the words falling out of my head.

"I see how you and mister be going at it like rabbits, you've got to at least notice somethings off, you're also eating a pregnant lady's craving at 4 in the morning like no problem" she nudges my shoulder, and it really makes me think..

"when was your last period?" she inquires "well, according to the hospital reports. I already had it for the month..but...that's about it" I brush it off simply. She gives me this..yea right kind of look "are you ovulating?" she asks "uh yea?..but if I'm right ..when we know, I wasn't at that time" I ponder and try to track back to everything..

she suddenly clasp her hands together and smiles at me brightly "no...well I mean" I already understand what she's referring too, each time I try to deny or say no, she shakes her head yes.

"look, its right now, we gotta get up in a bit to go Christmas shopping, we can pick up a pregnancy test" she exclaims, still in denial, I shake my head no...the though of me being pregnant isn't sitting properly right now...i mean I'd be more than happy but..Right now?..

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