Chapter 28. Needs

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 "oh come on that's the third time in a row" Sofia whines at me, "checkmate" I smirk, grumbling she mumbles lowly "you'll get there eventually sweetheart, til then, I shall remain undefeated in chess" closing my eyes in confidence

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"oh come on that's the third time in a row" Sofia whines at me, "checkmate" I smirk, grumbling she mumbles lowly "you'll get there eventually sweetheart, til then, I shall remain undefeated in chess" closing my eyes in confidence. I feel a slight nudge on my shoulder "yea yea, I'll get back at you one day" sticking her tongue out at me. I return the gesture hehe.

The door to the room soon opens, Sofia and I turn to look "hello miss Reeve's, any pain or distress today?" an older nurse enters softly, I smile at the warmth radiating off of her. I'm still in the hospital since I woke up, I sit in my bed while Sofia sits across me.

"no, none so far at least. I'm feeling a lot better" I smile, taking my temperature and noting my symptoms "well miss Reeves, if you don't have any pains or issues, you can be discharged today" she gleams tapping the pen on her clip board.

I look at Sofia and she's already smiling brightly clasping her hands together "can we carry her now" asking excitedly "yes" simply replying she walks out the room. Hugging me tightly "come on we gotta go!"

I swear I've never seen this girl smile so brightly

"oh and, miss would you like a wheelchair?" she stops at the door "uh, I can walk just fine. I mean I did walk to the restroom and what not" I shrug "yea, after you face planked onto the floor" giggling at me I nudge Sofia's shoulder as I roll my eyes.

To prove my point. I stand up, feeling confident that I did I take a step only to feel my balance being lost and my face coming closer to the ground, I freak out at that moment, waving my hands for something to grab onto but I get nothing. I groan as my body hits the cold floor, I hear Sofia begin to laugh and her laugh soon turns to snorts, I find my self laughing too as hers is so contagious.

Between my dying of laughter "okay, it looks like I'll need the chair" I slowly get up and rest my head on the bed, still laughing..

as Sofia and I leave the hospital, I can't help but feel over joyed that I'm finally going home to my family, I haven't seen Alessio since because of work but least I'll finally be home "everyone will be so excited for you to be home" she gleams at me. I stop for a second and look at outside "its snowing!?" I exclaim

"its Christmas time, of course there's gonna be snow, that's why I told you put on the cardigan mama made for you" she smiles at me.

Its hand knitted and in a pretty pink, also very comfy

Stopping at her car she opens the door for me to enter "you okay with getting in on your own?" she asks I nod softly before holding onto the the arms of the wheelchair, I lift my self up and swiftly sit into the car, Sofia folds the chair up. Stuffing it into the trunk she gets into the car.

I didn't realize how far the hospital is, its about a 45 minute drive, kinda inconvenient if there's an emergency but I guess there's small clinics around. I wasn't even up for the whole drive, I fell asleep mid-way. "is everything still the same?" I ask softly, "yep, just how it was when uh..yea, there's just a bunch of Christmas decorations" as she pulls into the driveway she gets out before be and get the chair out of the trunk.

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