Chapter 23. Suspicion

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I woke up that morning still in Alessio's arms, I look at his face, It's not as peaceful as he usually sleeps

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I woke up that morning still in Alessio's arms, I look at his face, It's not as peaceful as he usually sleeps...i really really can't shake the feeling of something being off but I just refuse to believe it.

I come out of his hold, hoping I won't wake him and make my way downstairs.

Victoria and her mother left about 2 days ago as Stefano had them flown back same day everything went down, I bid my good mornings to everyone at the dining table, they return the gesture but there's a weird feeling in the room.

I sat between Sofia and Antonio "where's Aurora and little Elliot?" I ask as I put breakfast onto my plate "they should be down in a few, sleeping in late" he chuckles "feeling better sof?" I turn to her, she looked deep in thought before giving me a small smile "yea I'm okay" she speaks softly.

She looks like she didn't get an ounce of sleep and not in, Nikolai kept her up all night way. "good morning everyone" I hear a voice gleam, I look up to see Aurora with a sleepy Elliot in her arms. Taking a seat next to her husband she looks at me with a sympathetic face "how are you feeling love?" she asks.

I tilt my head "I'm okay, Why?" I ask her "well you know after what happened last night I figured it might have gotten you a little down, but it looks like it all went well" she says with a smile as she begins to feed Elliot on her lap. I frown my face for a moment "something happened?" I ask her, "well yea seeing as chris-" Sofia cuts her off by clearing her throat.

The table gets quiet, I look around as I analyze everyone's faces, our parent's all seem confused but everyone else at the table seems to be aware of something, except my sister. I begin to feel annoyed as what is so secretive, I mean I can understand things being kept for certain reasons but, within our relationship?....people outside of it know more than me....

stop thinking like can't nor have the right to be upset.

"Christina?" I ask hesitantly, they all look at me "don't worry about it, si?" Sofia says nervously, we continue our morning as if nothing happened and I tried my best not to think about it.

"How about we have a little girls day?" Aurora suggests, I agree cause I could use something to take my mind off of the crazy thoughts.


when I went back to the room Alessio wasn't there, so I though nothing of it and went to go take a shower. Closing my eyes and letting the water drench my body, I run my hand over the little cuts and little bruises I've gotten these past months, I feel..disgusted with myself in someway at how many cuts and marks there are on my body. I sigh, its like I distant myself from reality as I go deep into thought.

Its so unreal...about 4 months have past and I just feel like everything is just going to fast, life...time..especially with Alessio...

is what he feels for me real...i just don't know what to do with myself

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