Chapter 17. Prepare

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 We spent the entire day going from store to store, bags, shoes, dresses and many other things, even doing all our nails

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We spent the entire day going from store to store, bags, shoes, dresses and many other things, even doing all our nails...very eventful day I would say.

we did have to stop and pick up our mask, the theme is 'Masked' so each of us has to wear a mask, along with everyone attending the ball, Alessio picked out mine so now its just to go and pick it up, the guys all picked their mask and a matching one to go with it for us. I have no idea what it is either.

we all were surprised at how pretty they were, mine is a beautiful silver with a web like pattern all over.

its around 4 in the afternoon and the ball is tonight, we all rush into the car and head back home but I almost spent the entire ride home teasing my sister about Angelo being her date for tonight "once you're happy with him, just let him know I'll deal with him if he hurts you" I say pointing my finger at her, she laughs as she slaps it away.

when we arrived at the house to find no one but the guards and basically all the men except Alessio and the others, we all decided we will get ready in my room, the ball starts at 10 so 6 hours for all of us to get ready...should be enough time for the five of us to get ready..key word..should.

we each establish one thing we're going to do for everyone.

Amara is on hair duty.

Sofia does the makeup.

and I help with clothing and such.

the next few hours past like minutes as we all get ready, I'm currently helping my mom zip up her dress while Amara is doing Sofia's hair and Avena is putting on a light layer of makeup for my mom.

when I'm finished helping everyone I begin to get ready myself, I sit down for Sofia to do my make up and we all have a fun time talking and laughing the entire time, I felt at home in these few hours and I didn't want to let the feeling go, my mom and sister and the many amazing people I've meet all in the same room..

as I'm putting on my heels my mom comes up to me with a large box and when she opens it, the words just leave my mouth "mama,non posso" mama, I can't

I'm at lost for words as I watch the beautiful jewelry set in front of me "ora El, non voglio sentirlo tua sorella ha già il suo ora è il tuo turno" now El i don't want to hear it, your sister already has hers on now its your turn

I nod my head at her as she takes it out the box and puts it on for me, the smile on my face couldn't get any brighter as I look at on me "well look at my older sister looking all fine and shit" Amara says "Aye, watch your language" my mother points a finger towards my sister, she looks away and mumbles a small 'sorry mama' I let out a small laugh, causing my sister to stick her tongue out at me.

I return the gesture

"okay girls its almost time to leave, come on grab your things we gotta leave in a few" Avena says clapping her hands as a signal to hurry up "oh and don't forget your masks" before rushing into the bathroom.

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