Chapter 11. Conversate

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I huff as I listen to Sofia rant about what I'm gonna wear or do tonight on my date with Alessio, yea I'm going in a date with him, against my will really

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I huff as I listen to Sofia rant about what I'm gonna wear or do tonight on my date with Alessio, yea I'm going in a date with him, against my will really.

did I mention he won the fight?


he stands waiting for my first move but I don't "not going to hit me princess, I give you the chance to hit me with no consequences and you don't take it?" he taunts "really think your that tough huh?" I ask.

"says the person who hasn't even come up to me yet" he sarcastically yawns "alright that's it, enough chit chat" I say as I strike first but he dodges my attack, holds my arm spinning me around and pinning me on the floor with my arms behind my back "I could get used to seeing you like this" he says.

I groan as push him off of me "ha ha, very funny" I respond as I stand up, I being to throw hits and punches but he dodges all until I finally land one on the side of his face but I don't stop, I continue to strike.

he strikes back in between but I make sure to not get hit, he then holds both of my arms and spins me around, sensing he going pin me to the ground once again I bring my head forward and brought it back with as much force as I can muster, head-butting him.

when his hold of me loosens I take to opportunity and pull away, he looks at me with a smirk on his face "taking it easy on me huh?" I ask realizing hes not attacking but only dodging my hits "how could I hurt such a beautiful woman" he says but all I do is roll my eyes.

I go for a kick this time, aiming for his ribs but he dodges my attacks once again.

I feel annoyed now, I know he can fight better than just dodging my attempts but he doesn't fight back "this is pretty pointless if your just going to block my attempts to hit you" I say stopping to catch my breath "I don't want to hurt you, that's all" he responds calmly "well then hurt me I'll be fine" I say.

he stares at me "are you sure about this princess?" he asks "I'm sure" I say "alright if you say so, but this fight wont last long" he grins "oh shut up"

he comes towards me with force and goes for my face, I instantly duck beneath the hit and kick his knee mid fall, causing him to loose balance, he gets up before I can and drags me towards him by my feet, I kick him in the face and get up instantly.

I lunge towards him and strike but he holds my fist and hits me in my stomach, ouch

I stumble back from the sudden pain but he comes towards me once again and strikes for my jaw I duck once again and with one full blow my fist connects his jaw.

I gain my stance once again and with every punch or hit I throw he dodges it but I do the same when he strikes back, I hit him twice in his stomach but he doesn't budge, he then trips me and throws his right fist towards me hitting me in the side of my face and before I can process the hit his elbow then came in contact with the bridge of my nose, I can feel the blood running from my nose but in this moment I can't stop to process the pain.

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