Chapter 32. Try To Accept

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 I stare blankly at the test, unsure how to feel about anything

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I stare blankly at the test, unsure how to feel about anything. My mind racing non-stop.

"what does it say?" Aurora sits beside me, the anticipation in her voice. I can't bring myself to speak, as much as my mind is running its like I can't think at the same time "its positive" I croak out, I feel the urge to cry.

I hear her gasp followed my a squeal "oh my god! You're pregnant, Eloise you're pregnant!" my eyes still on the faint line infront of me "yea....I'm pregnant" I dryly say "what's wrong love?" she immediately comforts me.

"I'm only 23...I don't think, now is the right time for me to have a child" the tears slowly begin to come out and that was it, I broke down "oh sweetheart" holding me closer to her, rubbing my back but nothing helps right now.

"what about Alessio, how's he gonna feel about this" I say in a broken cry "oh honey, he won't be able to contain his excitement, he'd be more than happy to be a father, especially having a little family with you" she's not wrong but I still feel like I could have done a lot more before having a child.

"when I first had Elliot I was 18...i felt exactly how you're feeling right now, confused, upset...I didn't know how to feel really..but all I knew was that I wanted to see and do so much, I was still a baby in my eyes, when I told Antonio he was more than happy. It took me a while to accept it but when I did I was super excited" I listen silently to her words.

I don't have anything to say, there is nothing to say really.

She hands me the others...which are all positive without a doubt but I still refuse to believe it "can I borrow your car?" I blurt out "uh sure, you don't wanna use one of Alessio's?" I shake my no "I'll be back, don't tell anyone please" I look at her with a plead in my eyes, earning a nod from her.

I take all the tests with me and rush out the room, going back to mine I quickly change. I place the test and bury them with my clothes, I exhale sharply as I close the draw.

I head back downstairs, as I fish through the container with all the keys, gaining the attention of my mother in the living room "going out love? Be back in time for dinner" my mother asks me "yea, I'll be right back" finally getting the keys I practically rush out the door, immediately bumping into something like a bloody wall.

"in a rush?" his voices rings in my head, I don't feel like looking at him right now. His fingers caress my chin, tilting my head to look at him. I avoid eye contact, pulling away I push past him and walk to the car "princess, its almost night where are you going?" my father calls out to me.

"I just need to check something, I'll be back" I briefly say before climbing into the car and drive out the gate. My mind is clouded, I shouldn't be driving but really need to confirm if this is really happening or not. Pulling into the hospitals parking lot, I quickly get out and rush to the front desk.

The nurse recognizing me, she gives me a smile "Eloise, how are you?" she questions to which I answer with one "whats the procedure for a pregnancy test here?" she looks at me a little stunned for a second.

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