Chapter 8. Let Me Think

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 Its been a day since I last saw Alessio, asshole

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Its been a day since I last saw Alessio, asshole

not a long time should have been longer

Sofia and Angelo are the ones that have been checking on me, I haven't left the room since I've told Alessio I don't want to be here which is true, I didn't want to be here I didn't ask to be taken away from my somewhat normal life and be brought here, he still refuses to tell me the reason behind it.

My thoughts were then interrupted by a knock at then door "Eloise, its me Luisa" I hear, Luisa is one of the maids in the mansion, shes a very sweet lady almost like a grandmother, pity shes employed by an asshole.

I've come to know her a little as she's the one who brings everything to my room

I open the door to reveal her warm smile "good morning Eloise" she gleams, I smile back at her "good morning Luisa, its nice to see you again" I say as I step to the side gesturing for her to come in.

the smell of beacon, eggs and pancakes fills the room as she steps in with a tray, she places it on the bed and then looks at me "I made them especially for you" she smiles "thank you Luisa" I say as she walks out but before leaving she stops "oh and Mr. Mariano is calling you to his office" she says

"tell him I'm not coming" I respond as I stuff my face, she sighs "Eloise you know how he is" she says as she closes the door behind her

of course I know how he is

after I'm finished eating I go take a shower and change into some clothes, I rummage through the pile of clothes Sofia gave me and finally found a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black leggings

the shirt fits fine but the leggings hugs every curve of my body making them feel slightly tight.

gotta love the Jamaican genes

I finally decided to leave the room and I head straight for the gym, as I'm waking through the hallway I hear shouting coming from the opposite direction, I stop for a second to listen and that's when I realize its Alessio's voice.

not my business

but I then hear a female voice pleading

that voice sounds very familiar

I decided to skip the gym and find out whats going on, as I come closer to his office I recognize Luisa's voice

this motherfucker

I barge into the room to find Luisa with her head down and Alessio barking at her "the fuck is wrong with you" I say causing both of them to turn their heads towards me

Luisa looks at me with a pained expression, I rush over to her and push her behind me "she didn't do nothing wrong so why the hell are you yelling at her" I question as I feel an anger rise in me.

"I specifically asked her to call you and you didn't come" he states "well that's too bad cause it was my choice not to come, if you wanted to see me that badly you could have came to me yourself" he glares at me "she did nothing wrong, leave her alone and out of this" I said "well the least she can do is do whats she told".

I look at him "the least you can do is not be an asshole towards you employees, maybe then they will listen" I say, I turn to Luisa "are you okay?" she nods "you can go now" I tell her as she begins to walk out.

I turn to Alessio, who is now staring at me "why do you want to see me?" I asked annoyed, he just looks at me I put my hand on my hip waiting for a response, he finally speaks "though I may not be able to guarantee all your safety, I can protect you as best as I can" I look at him

"I'm not staying here, I can't I have things to do, a bloody life to live" stating my case, I barely know him nor like him and he's asking to keep me here "yes Eloise, I'm sure your aware of your brothers doings and such" he says, of course I'm aware, I'm always running from someone or being chased but before I can let my thoughts finish he speaks.

"there's a bounty over your head and its constantly going up, even as we speak and by signing the contract the bounty will go away because I'll be paying it off, the contact lasts three years and once its over you can be free"

as I listen to him everything goes dark for a second, I'm going to pass out

"I don't get it if all you have to do is pay it off, why do you need me to 'protect me' I'm sure I'm a lot more safer out there somewhere in the world than here where I'm confined to this mansion" I ask genuinely confused "I need a Dona" he says lowly.

he's not serious right now

"no" I say sternly "what?" he questions

"Alessio I barely know you" I state as I look at him, I sit in one of the couches as I process what he just said to me.

I hear him get up from his seat and he sits next to me, he gently pulls me closer to him "look Eloise, I'm giving you time to think about this if your answer is no then I cannot guarantee your safety, no matter how strong you think you are they will always come after you and they will not stop til they get what they want" he says.

"what does that have to do with me? What does this whole thing have to do with me, its clear my brother doesn't care so its not like you can lure him in, just let me be, you can go find some pretty blonde to be your wife and have a family with" I protest sighing heavily.

but he may be right, I've dealt with it before and its tiring the constant fighting and running "and what about my brother?" I ask, he's still my brother and he was my best friend growing up he was always there for me but why would he do this, why?

"he may be your brother but...he will be dealt with accordingly" he says.

hm, accordingly he says

"I'll give you time to think about it" he says as he gets up and walks out the room

I sit there, thinking and letting all the thoughts run through my mind I sigh, I can't do this

I sit there, thinking and letting all the thoughts run through my mind I sigh, I can't do this

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I let the water run down my skin as I think about Eloise

she's just so...i can't find the words for her beauty, I know there's a different person underneath her cold exterior, something in her just deeply intrigues me.

but I know she won't just open up like a book to me.

but I know she won't just open up like a book to me

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