Chapter 27. Secrets and Feelings

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 I feel so distorted and confused, all I'm able to do is cry

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I feel so distorted and confused, all I'm able to do is cry. My mother tries to soothe me, rubbing small circles on my back but it doesn't help.

"I don't know you!" I scream the the man that rushes to me, touching me in ways a stranger shouldn't touch me, my crying gets worse I feel so uncomfortable, confused almost every conflicting emotion I can feel right now is what feel.

"Eloise, please..don't do this to me" the man pleads, I freak out even more, knowing he knows my name "Mama! I don't know him, get him away from me" I plead and cry holding on to my mother's arm tightly. She signals the other older woman in the room, to which she slowly guides the man outside, his deep green eyes never leave mine as he leaves. The expression of pain is clear in his eyes, but..I don't know him.

I eventually calm down, I sit in a blank stare, my mind blank, just as my expression. My mom comes in with a tray of food, setting it down on my lap she sits next to me. I eat in silence "Your eyes and face are puffy baby, its over for now you can stop crying" her soothing voice calms me, softly caressing my cheek.

I look at her with the little smile I can muster, it fades away as I look back to the food "what happened.." I mumble, she slowly pulls her hand away "I can't really give you the full story but.." the long pause in her words concern "you were kidnapped baby" the words finally fall out of her mouth.

My hand shakes for a moment at the though of being taken "what? Are you guys okay" I ask in concern for my family, nodding softly, her hand holds mine tightly as her eyes become teary.

"I'm just glad you're okay my sweetheart" reassuring me "El, he saved you..he cares for you and has been there for you.." suddenly saying these things " know him?.."

"he's your boyfriend, my love" sighing with the words she just slipped out, I look at her, trying to read her face if she's joking or not but there's nothing but sympathy on her face.

"he..he's what" I stutter.. "you two are together El"

"....I don't know how to feel right now" I mumble..a doctor soon enters the room "its nice to see you awake Eloise, how are you feeling?" chirping, I tilt my head to him "distorted" I simply say "that's usually the case, you've been out for 3 months" I stop in my thought process for a moment.

"3..m-months" I look at him, then to my mother "I see you haven't gotten the full details yet. You were in a come due to blood transfusion we did due to your condition and the severe blood loss, it was the only way to ensure you'd survive but in return you've been in a coma for the past 3 months, your body succumbed to the physical trauma you endured." I stare at him, my mouth agape.

"Mrs. Reeves, may I speak with you for a moment. Let's also give your daughter some time to process whats happening" the doctor walks out the room alongside my mom..i feel like I'm loosing my bloody mind.

I don't even finish the food that was brought to me, pushing it aside. Groaning loudly I rest my hands on my temples, I try my hardest to at least recall something but nothing works. Sighing I frustration I fall back onto the bed, hoping to forget all this or hope it'd be a bad dream..

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