Chapter 2. Partnership

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 The entire meeting my gaze was on, her

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The entire meeting my gaze was on, her

Eloise Reeves

Her beauty is just so mesmerizing, the way her blazer just shapes her hourglass figure and curves, her pants hugs her soft and plump hips perfectly, the blazer doing just the same to show her slim waist and the small cleavage of her rounded breast

not only her appearance has me in choke hold her personality and the way she carries herself

her beautiful mocha skin just glows under the light, her soft doe eyes and plump lips make them so kissable as she explains, I can listen to her soothing voice forever if I can

"okay, any questions?" she asks, I cock my eyebrow as we lock eye contact, once again

her eyes just captures everything about her beauty, "come stai così bella?" how are you this beautiful?

I ask in Italian thinking she wont understand me, "che sta chiedendo al signor Mariano?" who is asking Mr. Mariano?

A wave of surprise flashes over me as she responds to me calmly in Italian, she's beautiful and speaks Italian? It couldn't get any better.

I remain seated as everyone else leaves the room when the meeting finishes, she looks at me with a puzzled look on her face "is there something you need sir?" she questions "one night with you preferably" I tell her with a smirk on my face, the thought of having one night with her has me trying to keep my composure.

she narrows her eyes at me "I keep my personal life and work apart, so I'd be appreciated if we keep things professional" she begins to walk out, I follow behind her "well, I shall ask when your off duty" I taunt "that's not going to work" she tells me.

"business partners should get to know each other" I tell her in a plain tone, she finally stops and turns to tell me "I appreciate your gratitude but strictly business, have a good day Mr. Mariano" and goes into her office without another word.

"we will see about that Bella" I think to myself.

my phone rings, calling me out of my thoughts "what" I ask harshly "there is someone we have that may interest you" I hear my brother tell me "and?" I ask not giving a damn "just get your ass here for Christs sake's" he sighs and hangs up.

he can't be serious right now.

I head for the parking lot and get into my car, the engine rumbles as I accelerate, driving out of the parking lot.

I arrived about 10 minutes ago and I'm already bombarded with all of the work I have to do "your finally here, what took you so long? Busy looking for a fuck buddy?" my brother Angelo, asks me.

I roll my eyes at him, "what dumb shit did you and others do?" I ask as he bursts out laughing "nothing, its a shame you think I'm that childish" he sarcastically holds his hand on his chest "you are" I tell him plainly "anyway, there is this guy named kellan reeves, he's know for borrowing money and not paying back" he goes on "wait, Reeves?" I ask.

the realization hits me "does he have a sister?" I ask "one that we know of" he states "go on" I tell him and he continues "we loaned him a hundred thousand a few months ago and though we have been keeping tabs on him, he refuses to pay" he says "we just fell off the radar and only today we found his location" he finishes .

"bring him in."

I go to my office and the first thing I do is dial the number to Eloise's company, her assistant picks up "my desirable secret, how may I help you?" the woman chirps "I was just in a meeting with your boss about the new jewelry line, I'm calling off my half of the deal" I state calmly

"okay, is there a specific reason I may pass on to Mrs. Reeves" she says "personal reasons, have a good day" I say before hanging up

this may be one way to lead her to me..

 I'm not looking for any kind of relationship, I'm perfectly happy with myself, my life, family and my business, this will strictly be a partnership and all parties will benefit in the end

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I'm not looking for any kind of relationship, I'm perfectly happy with myself, my life, family and my business, this will strictly be a partnership and all parties will benefit in the end.

I get into my Mercedes s class and make my way to my parents home to pay them a visit, since I haven't seen them in a while.

As I pull into their driveway, I got out of the car and make my way to the front door. My parents are pretty well off, my mom Alorah was born and raised in Italy and moved to New York at a young age, from then on she became her own person, now owning her own clothing line.

She then met my dad Imani, who was born and raised in Jamaica and moved here as well for a better life for him self.

As soon as I entered the door I'm pulled into a tight hug "oh how I've missed my baby" my mom says, I hug her in return, wanting the feel her warmth around me.

I spent the rest of my evening with my parents just enjoying the time off work.

the door opens and its my sister, she comes up to me and hugs me before placing her bags down "oh I have some news for you" she tells me as she slips off her jacket and kicks off her shoes "Mr. Mariano called off his half of the deal, personal reasons he said" she tells me.

"just like that?" I ask "yep, he called and said he wants to call it off" she shrugs her shoulders "he's the biggest investor in the whole group, if he calls off he'll lose his shares" I tell her and she shrugs her shoulders once again.

just like that huh?

just like that huh?

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