Chapter 21. Taught A Lesson

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 I walk down the stairs "Sofia get a doctor or someone, Alessio's been drugged" I tell her as I see her on the couch, she turns to me frantically "what, what do you mean, by who" she asks concerned, "Sofia go tend to him please" I plead with her a...

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I walk down the stairs "Sofia get a doctor or someone, Alessio's been drugged" I tell her as I see her on the couch, she turns to me frantically "what, what do you mean, by who" she asks concerned, "Sofia go tend to him please" I plead with her and she nods as she runs up the stairs "mama" she calls out to her mother as I walk out the room.

I look all over this bloody house and I can't find her, until I stumble upon a staircase that leads to down stairs. The room is a small in house library and I swear I've found my happy place as shelves upon shelves are filled with books, from Stephen king to E. L. James and the chairs that lay in front of the fire place makes me want to live in here forever.

but I'm not here to read

I go in looking around, but I find nothing, is what I thought until I heard something fall behind me, and that's when I turn around to see her holding a book over my head to hit me, I hold her wrists causing the book to fall out her hands.

She knees me in the stomach causing me to loosen my grip on her, but as she turns around I grab her leg, pulling her back and causing her to fall, she tries to sit up but I turn to her and the same time I turn around I hit her with the book that she dropped.

I get up but so does she and she grabs my fucking hair, I deck her in her nose as she stumbles back

"don't ever touch my fucking hair" I seethe and she looks at me holding her face "or what? It doesn't feel nice when someone pulls your hair?" she taunts "you know what also doesn't feel nice is when someone keeps trying to get in your pants when you clearly don't want them to" I tell her.

"how are you so sure I haven't gotten to him yet?" she grins "you fucking what?" I ask her closing the space between us and looking down at her "I said, how are you so sure I haven't got-" I cut her off when the back of my hand connects with her face.

I pick back up the book and hit her with it once more.

I kick her in her stomach causing her to fall onto her back, I get on top of her, I draw my hand back and in one blow I hit her right in her nose again but harder and the sound of bones cracking can be heard.

there's a small vase on the table in front of us which she picks up and slams into the side of my head and it shatters into pieces, it pains me and for a few seconds she had the advantage, but I push it aside when I grab her hair and repeatedly bang her head against the floor, her nails dig into my skin as she tries to push me off of her.

she screams and curses as I continue to slam her hair against the ground, I then feel her hand connect with my neck and it knocks the wind out of me.

she pushes me aside and begins to run out the room and up the stairs, I follow behind her and when she's at a reachable distance I grab her by her ankles and pull her back down and she screams loudly "there gonna hate you when they see what your doing to me" she shouts "oh yea? Lets test it and find out" I say pull her towards me and begin beating her relentlessly.

blow after blow and punch after punch, I show no mercy on her as her blood gets on my hands and her screams and cries are loud as ever

I get off of her when her struggling and resisting stops, her face is covered in blood.

broken nose

two black eyes

bruises on both sides of her face

busted lip and blood covers all of her teeth

she's unconscious, still breathing sadly

I walk up and out of the library, dragging her up the stairs by her hair as I go. When I open the door everyone is in the living room, probably discussing what happen, I just as I step into the room she regains conscious and begins to scream bloody murder, she gains the room when she does.

Everyone looks at me in shock and he mother screams "what have you done!" she rushes to her but I stop her "if you know whats good for you step the fuck back" I seethe, I bring Victoria forward, still holding her by her hair "tell them" I sternly say "I didn't fucking do anything you bitc-" I cut her off when I hold her hair tighter and get closer to her face.

"tell them or else I will fuck you up even more" I spat at her, she screams in pain as she finally complies. She admits that she drugged him, with what drug? She doesn't know, apparently its some lethal shit that being produced lately, why? To have him have sex with her. She explained her plan was to drug him and when he's out of it or unconscious, she have all the will in the world to do what she wants.

I don't let go of her the whole time as she tells them "and as proof of what her intentions were, just look at what she's wearing" I say referring to the piece of bra and string of a thong. By now everyone in the room is beyond fuming at the current situation, I let her go, her body making a loud thud to the ground.

Everyone asks me if I'm okay and reassure them that I'll manage, I'll let them handle their part, I did mine. I walk back to my room I don't find Alessio on the bed, I go into the bathroom to find him, towel around the waist and by the sink washing his hands, he takes one look at me and rushes to my aid.

"Eloise, I said kill her not your self" he says as he picks me up and places me on the counter, getting a first-aid kit he tends to me. I lean my head on his chest as my tiredness gets the best of me, I try to move but he holds me still on the counter "I need to take a shower, I feel disgusting" I mumble.

He then walks away for a moment and puts the tub to fill, he walks out for a moment and comes back in a pair of briefs, my eyes locked onto him the entire time "are you feeling better" I ask "yes, it was wearing off when you saw me, I've felt better but I'm okay now" he replies.

He takes off my clothes for me, my eyes don't leave his as he does so, he then picks me up and places me in the tub. Sitting outside he takes a wash cloth and wipes what ever blood I have me "don't bruise and cut this pretty face of mine, got it?" he says, I smile softly "yes boss" I reply as I feel my self drift off


when I open my eyes I find myself on top of Alessio "go back to sleep amore" he coos to me as he rubs small circles on both sides of my waist where his hands rest "how long was I asleep" I ask "about 3 hours" he replies "you stayed with me the entire time?" I ask "yes is that a problem?" he raises an eyebrow "no, not at all" I say as lay my head back onto his chest

"your perfect for me" he says to me softly, "why do you say that.." I respond "cause you are..." he tells me as his arms wrap around me, I close my eyes.

is your bitch ass really blushing right now? Yes stfu

"I love you my Regina, I never want to let you go"

I love you too my re

and everything goes dark...

and everything goes dark

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