Chapter 24. Possession

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 Waking up with the most excruciating pain and blurred vision, before I can process any thing I hear a familiar voice "wakey wakey love, can't sleep forever now can't ya"

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Waking up with the most excruciating pain and blurred vision, before I can process any thing I hear a familiar voice "wakey wakey love, can't sleep forever now can't ya"

my vision soon clears as a bright light is all I see, I blink, trying to make sense of what the hell is going on, everything feels distorted and out of place.


"wake the fuck up" a female voice follows, the slap across my face awakens something in me, snapping me out of what ever trance I was in. I make eye contact with a woman, bruised face and all, I make no attempt in trying to recall where I know her from, I stare at her.

I raise my hand, try to at least, only to realize I'm tied to a chair, my legs as well as I look to the ground, I wriggle my arms and to no surprise no use in trying to move, I look back up and take in my surroundings. Just a dull empty room, concrete walls, one light in the center of the ceiling to light up the room and a single door leading out of this hell hole I'd assume.

just me and this asshole in here, her arms folded as she looks down at me with a scowl "the fuck happened to you" I say.

I know now is not the time for jokes but, looks like its the end so might as well go out with a bang

her face turns a shade of red as she raises her had towards me.


"you some bitch think you can just show up, take my life from me and want to make sly remarks on top of that, you wanna know what happened to me? You, fucking you did" she shouts at me, I just look at her, I hum in response to her shouts.

"look sweetie, as much as I love to rekindle our non-existent friendship, but I don't fucking know you" I say, just as she's about to hit me again the door opens, she stops in her tracks and turns around "Christina, don't kill the girl before we get our use out of her" an older woman says.

"go, he wants you upstairs" she orders the girl, who now I assume is Christina, she turns to me before leaving the room, leaving just me and the older woman in here "why am I here" I ask sternly, she chuckles at me "your just a pretty little dumb dumb aren't you" she says.

I roll my eyes at her remark "lets give you a little memory cap shall we? About... hmm lets see, a month ago, you attended a ball, and you had a little incident didn't you?" she says, I give her no response as my eyes follow her pacing back and forth through the room.

"well, the girl you had your first run in with is Christina, which is who you've already met and well, you should be able to figure out the rest" she says, stopping to look at me.

I think back to that night and put two and two together, my eyes widen as the realization hits me "where is he, and what the fuck do you want from me!" I question, she looks at me and smirks "now now, if only he was so eager to see you" she mocks.

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