Chapter 9. Attempts

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 After the whole discussion with Alessio I've been avoiding him like the plague, I've decided to finally have dinner at the table even though I don't really want to but why not, I'm gonna be stuck here forever right?

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After the whole discussion with Alessio I've been avoiding him like the plague, I've decided to finally have dinner at the table even though I don't really want to but why not, I'm gonna be stuck here forever right?

I make my way down the flight of stairs and head for the dinning hall.

the sounds of laughter, shouting and talking can be heard as I got closer to the dining hall, when I enter I pay no attention to anyone around me but I did notice the place got quiet, I soon see Sofia sitting peacefully in her seat, I make my way to her and take a seat next to her "hey, how are you?" she greets kindly.

"I'm okay" I respond with a soft smile, the soft mumbles and whispers of everyone can be heard

I don't care if there talking about me I just want my food and I'd be on my way

the sound of heels causes everyone to turn in the direction of where its coming from "hello everyone" the person gleams, they sound extremely annoying

when I look up at her and taking her features she isn't bad looking but I won't ever look in her direction on purpose.

but one thing for sure I can tell her attitude is nasty, her pale skin really stands out as well as her thick long brown hair, the caked make up on her face doesn't do any justice to her features at all, her dark brown eyes almost black and her clothes aren't the simplest

the tight shirt she's wearing has literally her breast wanting to spill out

even though they look fake

and the short mini skirt isn't helping her flat ass

you don't need to call the girl out on her ass you know

I turn back to Sofia who is now glaring at the girl "what's wrong?" I ask her, she looks at me "that's Fiona, the most annoying person and a first class bitch" she tells me and I just hum in response and begin to eat the soup the chefs provided for us

"ohh, And who's the new girl?" I hear the annoying high pitch voice ask

I pay no mind and continue eating

"are you deaf or something?" she asks again, I ignore her

I then hear her walk up to me and lean closer to me "hey dumbo I'm talking to you-" before she can finish, I pick up my plate of food and slam it into her face causing it to spill all over her

my breaths become heavier as I grab a fist full of her hair and slam her into to the table, causing her to fall as if it were a chain reaction

I've had enough of people and their shitty attitudes.

I begin to walk out, I don't leave before saying in the most clam and relaxed tone ever "if another one of you motherfuckers call me a bitch one more time I won't hesitate to shove a gun down your throats and pull the trigger" tired of everything and everyone, I have been nothing but quiet and every two seconds I have to hear someone call some dumb name? no.

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