Chapter 10. Know me

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 I left Eloise on my bed as I walk into my bathroom for a shower as she just did the same, by the time I came out she was already asleep, I chose not to bother her as picked up a few pillows and blankets from the closet and spread them out onto th...

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I left Eloise on my bed as I walk into my bathroom for a shower as she just did the same, by the time I came out she was already asleep, I chose not to bother her as picked up a few pillows and blankets from the closet and spread them out onto the couch in my room, as its where I'm going to be sleeping.

As I lay down my mind does what it does every night when its time to sleep

overthink, everything runs through my head a million miles per minute

I close my eyes in hopes I'd drift off into a deep slumber but nothing works.

soon enough, I did fall asleep but not for long, I woke up again, I lie there, staring at my ceiling

I decide to get up and go to the kitchen for water hoping it'd put my mind at ease, I clear my head as I get up.

I look in the direction of Eloise, and she's not there, I go into a state of panic and leave the room immediately, I check her room first, to find nothing.

I go back to my room, I remove the painting of my family from the wall to reveal the security system of the house, no warnings or alerts have been announced.

meaning she's still in the house some where..

I bring up the cameras and begin to check each and every single one of them in the house, flicking through each one I stop when I notice something in the kitchen, I go back to it and there she is.

I leave my room and head for the kitchen, its exactly where she is

"whoa there Sasquatch, its just me" I hear the soft voice say as I round the corner, "you really like to keep me on my toes huh" I fold my arms as I tell her.

"why are you up? Its two in the morning" I ask "couldn't sleep so I came to raid the fridge" she says as she puts a spoon of ice cream in her mouth "and also put me in a state of worry" I sigh, taking a seat next to her "are you were worried about me" she pouts "here, have some, it should help remove your care for me" she taunts as she pushes the bowl towards me.

"making yourself at home" I say looking at her "well I'm stuck here aren't I?" she says as she looks up at me "Eloise, I'm just trying to protect you" I say "don't forget also trying to make me your wife" she tilts her head.

she gets up and walk to the fridge and I don't go without noticing all she has on is my shirt and a pair of my briefs "its not nice to stare" she says "can't help it, your wearing my briefs" I shrug "well you won't let me leave your room so, I'm surprised you didn't notice when I came out the bathroom" she replies as she takes out ingredients from the fridge.

"what do you want?" I ask genuinely wanting to know, she just looks at me but doesn't respond

"to live peacefully" she softly mumbles

"that's it?" I ask her and she nods "I'm sure you have felt that way before" she simply says, she's right, I always feel that way, but at the same time, what I do gives me a feeling and the sense of excitement.

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