Chapter 14. I'm So Sorry

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 I jump into the black SUV with all of my weapons on me and all I can think about is if my family are okay and still alive, but I don't want to go into that mindset I just want them to be okay and embrace their warmth once again

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I jump into the black SUV with all of my weapons on me and all I can think about is if my family are okay and still alive, but I don't want to go into that mindset I just want them to be okay and embrace their warmth once again.

its currently 9 in the night, so its pretty dark.

a million thoughts ran through my head as the van started and we began to move.

I hate myself, how could I let this happen how could I put my family in harms way like this

what is wrong with you, you get taken and you never once thought about fighting for communication or at least making the effort to talk to them

how selfish could you be Eloise?

"hey, its me Sofia" is all I hear from my ear piece which snaps me out of my trance "I'm going to be telling you all the information you need to get through this, okay" she says and I just respond with a quick okay.

"we're here" I hear one of the men say as he opens the door and everyone climbs out but I remain still, I look at the watch on my wrist.


you can do this Eloise, everything will be okay after this

the pep talk I'm telling myself isn't really helping but I can let myself go just yet, I climb out the van as I clutch the desert eagle in my hand.

the building in front of me is just a old run down warehouse, doesn't look like much but I know a lot of shady things happen here.

I turn to my right to see all of them men talking and barking orders at each other but I don't want to sit around here forever, so I press the ear piece as I walk to the back of the warehouse "Sofia where is the closest access point?"

"the stock warehouse is just a cover up for an underground drug cartel ran by the french, go around to the side, stay low, there are snipers and security littered all over, you will find a door, when you enter the backdoor you will met a stair a stair case leading downstairs" she says as I open the door quietly "there will be no one on the top floor to worry about but there are 2 men at the bottom of the step" she tells me as I move slowly and quietly.

I then think if there are 2 men here there are obviously more, I pull the silencer from the strap on my vest and carefully screw it on.

no one needs to hear them right

I fire, causing the other guy to be alerted but I waste no time shooting him as well.

right between the eyes

"good, then when you reach down take a left there will also have another 2 bodyguards at the entrance you much eliminate them" Sofia says, I take my time moving as quietly as a mouse.

I look quickly spotting the 2 men Sofia told me about, I pull one of my throwing knifes from my holster and in one swift move I throw it at the guy on the left and shoot the other in the head, a loud thud can be heard as one body drops and I shoot the other to finish him off.

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