Chapter 30. Contemplate

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 Giving her a light kiss on her forehead, I admire her peacefulness and beauty with a soft smile on my face as she snuggles into the blankets and pillows

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Giving her a light kiss on her forehead, I admire her peacefulness and beauty with a soft smile on my face as she snuggles into the blankets and pillows. Throwing on a white tee and some sweat pants, I turn to leave the room but I am stopped at the sudden mumble 'perfect just the way you are'

I chuckle internally at her words, walking down the stairs I'm met with Alhora and Amani sitting in the living room, it then hits me its about 12 in the afternoon.

We stayed In bed whole day

"ah, Alessio. How was your rest, haven't seen you since last night" Alhora gives me a knowing look, giving her a tight lipped smile I take a seat across from them. Taking in a deep breath "there's something I'd like to talk to both of you about" I exhale sharply

"we already know" he speaks with smile, I look up at that moment with a puzzled look "your mother couldn't keep the secret" chuckling her looks at his wife "once our is happy" they both assure. I feel a small weight on my shoulder lift...the big one is still there..

just then my mother waltz into the room "Alhora dear, I need you for something." her attention then turn to me "my son, you finally decided to come down" embracing me in her arms "you look a little scruffy, you need to clean your bread. Where's Eloise" looking behind me in search of her with a smile.

"she's asleep" she stops looking past me, smacking my chest lightly "of course she is, you wore the poor girl out" she mumbles before walking out the room with Alhora. With just me and Eloise's father in the room "don't hurt her" breaking the silence with his words.

"I messed up a lot but I promise I would never do anything to hurt her" I assure him "good, I raised her not to tolerate shit. She may not have been able to beat you yourself" getting up and stalking towards me "I like you son, you're not as bad as I thought" standing up I stand face to face with him.

Kind of..little shorter

the moment of tension and seriousness is broken when he pats me on my back and pulls me into a hug, returning the gesture I give a little smile at our interaction before walking off to my office.

And I thought he was just quiet and friendly

sitting at my desk, the door suddenly opens "I like her but the last time this happen, the other one was batshit crazy" my father comes in, shaking my head, he pours two glasses of whiskey "you know how your mother is when it comes down to these kinds of things, so. What's the deal" setting the glass on the table and sitting across from me.

"well, what do you think of her" putting down my pen and looking up at him "I admire her, she's got her own thing going on and doesn't need you" chuckling at his own words. Rolling my eyes "seriously, she's a beautiful soul, from what I hear and also seen she a little fiery but simple in her own way. Level headed, you know what I mean? its screwed on straight unlike your past experiences, the girl is just a interesting and kind being, which in its own way is the beauty of her, too good for you." sipping on his drink I chuckle.

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