Short notice, thank you.

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warning. this is me rambling

hello! i know I've been away for a wile and i have many chapters pending to upload but so much is going on right now its not making the want to write this book any longer any stronger. along with my laptop crashing on me when it want and other personal matters, I'm very discouraged at the moment.

my soul purpose of this book was to at least finish it, no matter how cringe, or how confusing it may be was to finish it, the accomplishment of finishing it would have been like my reward but right now, it ain't there, maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist or i am just that bad at writing i don't know i just can't see it right now.

though i have said it many times before, I'll say it again. this is my first time Ever writing a book and publishing it, one night i just got the enthusiasm to write a book, I've always loved doing it, writing was like a pass time for me but never thought about actually writing a book, and well here we are.

the more i write the more i find myself improving in different ways and I'm really proud of myself for that, always coming up with new ideas and things i wanna do in the near future, finishing this book would have been like my badge of honor lol. like i did it, i finished it.

its part of my progress.

when i first came up with the idea of the book i had so many things i wanted to put in it, everything i thought of i wanted to write down and put it into the book, i was basically coming up with the book as i go but i don't know if you know but there's only so much you can put into a book lol and to me that's where i went kinda wrong, reading others and being inspired and reading feed back on other books trying to understand what some readers want and don't. trying to write my book to suit that

but as much as you may want to you can't please everyone, no matter how hard you try, everyone is different and unique in their own way, they know what they like and don't. so with all the yap I've been yapping i think for now, I'm gonna put this book on a hold, i know i know i did it before but, I'm just not happy with it to be fair.

i had intentions of changing it completely, which is did kinda do 50\50 but i at least wanted to keep my original ideas and not change much but least improve it and continue from there and well, it got kinda confusing.

i have many other books coming, bare with me, I did do my planning this time and all that fun stuff. I'm more enthusiastic about these lol, more excitement and what not because I've been working on them for so long.

honestly doing this would give me more range and time to really put in the work to come back to this book and really get into it, i gave it my all but have you ever done something and though its okay\good, you deep down feel like it could\can better. I'm constantly thinking like that.

for those who have supported me regardless, i really wanna say thank you, you guys encouragement really kept me going to be honest, i really appreciate the people who took the time to read the book and read this aswell.

as always I love to hear you guys feedback and constructive criticism and what you think i can do to improve the book, I always try my best to answer any questions and comments you guys have.

key words: constructive criticism

Constructive criticism lies somewhere in between–it acknowledges what you did right while also addressing where improvement could be made. {so please, telling me how cringe they are or i should be ashamed for how my character is doesn't help, thank you}

anyway, i uploaded my final chapter{for now obvi} so please, don't consider this the end. its not hehe, a new beginning haha.

again, thank you, i can't thank you guys enough for your support <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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