Chapter 15. How Are You Feeling

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 I wake up in a dazed state

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I wake up in a dazed state

everything hurts

I can barely process anything, the room is dark and I can barely see

what's going on

I turn to my left to see someone sitting on the edge of the bed, I can't make out there face but I know its a woman "mama" I call out, I only speak Italian to my mother as it is her native language and she made sure we all got to experience both sides of our ethnicity growing up.

"oh, figlia mia" my daughter, she coos as she come closer to me and cups my face, the lamp next to me shines on her face and I see a soft tear run down her face "mamma non piangere" mama don't cry, is all I ask her as I wipe the tear away "basta con me, come ti senti" enough about me, how are you feeling

"starò bene, non preoccuparti troppo" I'll be fine don't worry to much, I tell her but then the door opens .

the musky scent of cologne takes over my sense of smell as I recognize who it is "signora reeves la tua stanza per te e tuo marito è pronta così come una per tua figlia" Mrs.Reeves your room for you and your husband to stay in is ready as well as one for your other daughter to

I hear him tell her as she gets up and begins to thank him, "grazie per esserti preso cura di mia figlia, sei un brav'uomo" thank you for taking good care of my daughter, your a good man "aye mamma, è un dolore nel non c'è bisogno di ringraziarlo" aye mama, he's a pain in the ass no need to thank him

she glares at me

girl you better shut up before she knocks you out

Alessio chuckles "va bene signora Reeves, mi prenderò cura di lei d'ora in poi hai bisogno del tuo riposo, farò in modo che una delle cameriere ti mostri la tua stanza" that's alright Mrs.Reeves, I'll take care of her from now on you need your rest, i will have one of the maids show you to your room

he tells her as she turns around and come kiss me on my forehead "ti controllerò più tardi, ti amo" I'll check on you later, i love you "ti voglio bene anch'io" I love you too

she leaves the room, "getting comfy with my mom I see" I ask Alessio as he comes and sits on the edge of the bed "what can I say, she loves me already" he chuckles "wowww" I say sarcastically.

"how are you feeling?" he asks and I can see the concern and worry on his face "I'll be okay, how long was I out for?" I say "2 days" he replies and I look at him shocked "wow, okay"

"you were shot in your lower back, it didn't cause any significant damage but it may take some time to heal" he tells me "well what I can say, its pretty fucking painful" I say honestly.

"there's no longer a bounty or any kind of money for your head but since we cause some damage to some of Claude's men, its been stirring up some confusion" he says "so I'm off the hook and can have my freedom back, what'd you do"" I ask sarcastically "no, I will be keeping you and your family with me til everything dies down and I didn't do anything I just..pulled a few strings" he answers "okay, thank who'd you fuck" I burst out laughing.

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