Chapter 19. Past Experiences

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 I don't really recalled what happened last night but I wake up to find Alessio's arms wrapped around my  waist and his face buried in my stomach, I smile at the sight and I lightly brush his hair with my fingers

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I don't really recalled what happened last night but I wake up to find Alessio's arms wrapped around my waist and his face buried in my stomach, I smile at the sight and I lightly brush his hair with my fingers..also I'm really sore too...really fucking sore..damn.

he stirs in his sleep every once in awhile.

is he having a nightmare?

I look at him and I just stare at him, admiring him as the morning sun illuminates his face and the tattoos that run and cover him from his neck to his pelvis and I can tell by just looking at then they all have meanings but I also notice the several scars placed all over his if the tattoos are meant to cover them.

he has a very toned and muscular body I mean the 6 pack should say enough, each muscles basically has its own character, you can even tell through his suit know he's healthy and what not, I just..never been to close to him like this before, or...really admire.

I run my thumb over the scars and marks on his body.

should I ask about them? Too direct Eloise.

He lets out a soft groan and his eyes flutter open "good morning" I coo as he holds onto my waist even more, he hums in response "come on big baby, get up" I tell him giving him a little tap "I'm quiet happy here" I hear him say and I smile.

"can I ask how you got these" I ask softly, but he sighs "its okay if you don't want to talk about it, I'll leave though" I say as I remove the covers off of me "no, and leave for what?" is all I hear him say and he pulls me back into be and warps his arms around me "I got them when I was younger from my.." he pauses and takes a deep breath

"my aunt and uncle gave them to me, my uncle was hard on me growing up as he found he should have been next in line and not my father so he took it out on me and my aunt saw me as her play toy, whenever my parents had business away, they trusted them enough to leave me with them for a little while..thinking I'd be safe" he tells me "she was his wife so she had no relation to me but she would...touch me and molest me any chance she'd get"

"and my uncle will call me names, belittle me and physically abuse me as a way to take out his frustration, they really messed me up for a while" he says and looks at me and I'm honestly can't find the words to speak "what did your parents do?" I ask "well my dad was beyond pissed when he found out everything, he dealt my uncle personally" he replies and I know exactly what he means "and the woman?"

looks like I have unfinished business..

"she got away before they could get their hands on her, so she probably rotting in a ditch right now or living as her usual she-devil self" he says "enough about her, I'm with you and that's all that matters to me right now" he says kissing my neck, I giggle softly as his light pecks tingles and tickles me.

His hands roam my body before I stop him for a moment "you're huge, meaning I'm very sore right now" I bite my lip in a nervous way as I tell him, he laughs, I hit his chest "shut up your not the one to deal with it" looking away, his hand lightly cups my face turning it to him "is there any way I can make it up you my love? And I wasn't implying for that amor" his beautiful emerald eyes like they hypnotize me for a moment.

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