That day is not today

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December 1st 2014 -
Hayley sat in the drivers seat of the moving truck, Hope strapped in the seat beside her. She looks at her daughters red rimmed eyes.

Tired of crying for her mama, the sight brings a fresh wave of tears to Hayley's but swallows it down before pulling to side of the road where she spots a black car waiting.

She looks to her daughter "I'll be right back okay darling?"

Hope sniffles clutching tightly onto her wooden figurine Kara carved for her. Hayley takes a deep breath before kissing her daughters head and getting out the truck.

As she walks to the car , a person gets out of the drivers seat. She looks at the man offering him a sad smile.

"I heard." Marcus says quietly

Hayley nods and takes the flash drive from her pocket, the very one she and Kara found at Lucien's warehouse/Lab "Kara said everything is on there, there may be a way to reverse engineer the serum. To find a cure." She looks to the truck "freya's given them time but I'm not sure how long the spell will last."

Marcus takes the flash drive and glares at it "I'll have our top minds work on it.." he goes to the car and takes a Manila folder and hands it to Hayley "Kara has always planned for contingencies, she has a home in Washington, a sleepy town called forks, the place is remote and there's a local pack and coven .. that has ties to us. They've been made aware of your arrival. They'll cast the necessary spells, you'll be safe, none of Marcels goons will find you there." He promises.

Hayley looks through the folder and sees new identity documents as well, she picks up her own ID "Hayley Argent." She murmured

Marcus nods "New identities just in case you have more technologically advanced henchmen after you."

Hayley closes the folder and nods "Thank you."

Marcus shakes his head "No, this was Kara, she wasn't as paranoid as Klaus but she wanted to be prepared." He said softly , before Hayley turns to leave he stops her.

"We'll get her back, but first we need to save your family .. don't worry, our people will make sure she's taken care of." He swears.

Hayley manages a weak smile "Thanks. We'll be in touch."

Compound -Basement -December 3rd 2014

Kara tugs her uncomfortable bindings, dropping her head against the wall. She closed her eyes, her neck burning from Marcel's venom spreading through her system, as far as she could recall it was at least two days since he bit her and she had yet to succumb to it. So perhaps it wasn't as deadly to her and Klaus .. or maybe just her.

Footsteps came closer to her and she tilted her head looking at her visitor.

"You alright?" Kara doesn't respond immediately to the vampire, he was Marcels' new right hand man and while he was a friend of Davina and Aidens' boyfriend she didn't trust the boy.

"What do you want?" She asked not hiding her suspicious tone.

Josh scuffed his feet on the ground staring at the chained hybrid "Aiden is ... he's uh worried... and well Davina is too.."

Kara hums clearly skeptical "You work for Marcel, his right hand man if I'm not mistaken. You have no business checking in on his prisoners."

Josh sighs "Okay, fine you don't want to talk to me fine,'I just thought you should know that Hayley and your daughter along with your siblings are safe.."

Kara nods a little, breathing in relief before she looks at the boy "Thank you." She said sincerely

Josh nods still uncomfortable and licks his lips .. " .. what should I tell them? .. uh Aiden and Davina.."

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