You're a warrior ..

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St Anne's church.

Hope/The hollow stood on top of the dais speaking to her followers, speaking of their loyalty and rewarding them for all the work they've done.

"Soon, I'll find a way to kill Kara Mikaelson, she poses the biggest threat to our utopia" Hope/the hollow said tonelessly, face blank of all emotion. "then we deal with the rest of the Mikaelsons, and the city will be ours and we'll live as I promised." The hollow lied.

A sharp laugh rang out, from the doors "Oh please, is that the sermon you're going with ? Promising these poor weak fools a utopia?" Kara snarked referring to the hollow "What should I call you? The inept? The empty.. oh that's right you prefer to be called the hollow"

Hope/the hollow scrunched their face in annoyance "You're back sooner than expected, no matter, the truth remains you're much to sentimental to hurt your daughter and that is your greatest weakness." The hollow spat

Kara narrowed her eyes looking at the amount of acolytes, she counted at least 30 of them, witches, vampires and wolves. It wouldn't be difficult to kill them all but having the hollow interrupt would make it a difficult.

"That's where you're wrong, I may not be able to do you harm while you inhabit my daughter.." she blurred to the closest zealot and snapped their neck , dropping them to the ground "I can destroy those who follow you.."

The hollow wasn't perturbed "Is that so? Then I'll just gather more and I'll kill you."

Kara grit her teeth "What do you want? Revenge? For the death of your sister? Is that why you targeted Hope?" She asked in an attempt to get more information

"That's part of it, sure, but your daughter is extraordinarily powerful, she will be more powerful as she grows.. and the best part of this is you cannot hurt me without hurting your precious Hope." While the hollow spoke Hayley sneaked in into the church staying in the shadows.

Kara roared angrily "Mark my words you wretched filth I will destroy you.." in a fit of anger she blurred and murdered ten Zelots in a blink of an eye.

The hollow grit her teeth, Kara mikaleson was stronger than anticipated even after not having her full power, she blasted her with a powerful blast of magic , sending Kara flying back into the pews smashing them.

The hollow spoke as she stepped forward "I may not be able to kill you yet but I can make you feel indescribable pain.." the hollow/Hope said whispering a spell under her breath, Kara's screams rang out in the church, each one of them piercing Hayley's heart but she needed to stay put until Hope was closer .

Kara was on her knees "Aahhhh!" Her spine snapped , making her yell out another scream of pain. The hollow/Hope smirked evilly, she flicked her wrist again, breaking Kara's arm, in three "Pain.." she whispered softly, it sounded barely above a whisper.

Kara was hit by a aneurysm spell, times a thousand , her brain vessels bursting , healing, then rinse and repeats, she cried tears of blood, her nose leaking darkened blood screaming in agonizing pain. Kara tried fighting it but she couldn't, the hollow was using hopes magic, her family magic and the magic she inherited from Kara .

The hollow kneeled down cupping Kara's jaw squeezing it in her tiny hands "Tell me.. how does it feel to be at the mercy of your daughter? On your knees?"

Kara's eyes blurred with tears of blood, but she stared straight into the hollow eery blue eyes "You're not my daughter.. and Hope could never be so cruel.." her eyes softened "Hope.. if you're in there... fight.. fight .. my love.. you're my daughter.. you're half god.. no spirit would ever beat you..."

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